Our Greatest Hope: New Edition

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Our Greatest Hope | New Edition
With 12 Bonus Links/Practical Tips on Personal, Leadership and Organization Development at the Speed of Change

© Irene Becker, Just Coach It-The 3Q Edge™  | (IQ-EQ-SQ) Reach-Resonance-Results
3Q Leadership™ Blog- 26,000+ Social Media Followers & Growing!  

The the fire of human potential, employee engagement and effectiveness,  agile teams, great management and leadership cannot be lit without the desire to rekindle and champion our greatest hope, our greatest power. Developing a purposeful life, career, team, organization and society rest upon our ability to redirect our thoughts and actions on a focus that ignites the integrity of our thoughts, actions and words.

Where do we start?  How do we build/rebuild our greatest hope, our greatest power in a world of increasing complexity, change, challenges?  We start right here, right now.  Impossible?  Think again.  We stand on a glass cliff, a place where we will see the greatest renaissance we have ever known, or a decline into the abyss of chaos, aggression and destruction.  A place where we will choose to be crippled by the need, greed, ego that has destroyed every empire and fiefdom in history OR elect to embrace our potential to use what is to create what can be in ourselves, our families, our organizations, our society…our world.

It is your ability, my ability, our ability to cleave to the  universal values, express  the humanity and moral courage that is our greatest hope for the future.  Courage that starts with service above self, with the desire to move from me to WE.  Power that grows with the empathy and human connection we build when show  kindness to a stranger, reach out and help a colleague of friend, mentor or share knowledge.  Leadership that grows when we focus not on what we can get, but rather on what we can contribute.  Humanity that is expressed in learning to treat our neighbors, our brothers and sisters as ourselves.  Happiness that is found in caring, sharing and contributing.

In a world of increasing complexity it is the simple things that often elude us. It is time to get simple and clear with the importance of tying a knot around our values, courage, integrity; for they are the greatest riches we have.  Love is the truth,  universal values are the motor, and human passion, purpose and potential are the engine that can drive us to an evolution of self, and of others that will take us into the age of innovation – an age of extraordinary possibilities; or push us into an abyss of  fear, despair, destruction, aggression and chaos.

Our greatest hope lies in a new balance of independence and interdependence that will take us forward together.   A new path  that is difficult, but worthwhile.  A path that requires courage and conviction.  A path that is oft forgotten, and begs to be remembered.  A path of redemption and renewal.  A path of human beings being  better not simply doing faster than ever before.  A path of faith, hope, courage, humanity and integrity that can change one life, many lives and ultimately our world.  A path that begins when we put down our emotional, political, social swords and replace them with the power of faith, hope, courage, integrity and humanity.  A path we each carve each moment of the day with the power of our thoughts, feelings and actions.

Lofty thoughts or practical powerful insights?  You decide. The greatest teacher we have is a human history that has been punctuated by the short term gain and long term pain of need, greed, ego and destruction.  Our ability to shift and lead forward, our ability to acknowledge the faith, hope, courage, integrity and humanity that can take us forward is written on the walls of our lives, our workplaces, our organizations…our world.

Is it time to do an individual or organizational reset and refocus on what cannot be eradicated or eroded by change, challenges or complexity? Will you start to think the thoughts, and use the language that empowers your greatest hope and inspires others to do the same.  Each thought is an opportunity to champion integrity, each thought is an opportunity to reset the automatic human negative default and refocus on that which can make us stronger, happier and more successful together. Carpe diem!

Written for my late father, Joseph Becker, my best friend, mentor and teacher.  A great soul whose light shines on.

More on empowering and engaging our greatest hope?  YOU betcha!  Lots of great links on 3Q personal development, leadership development and organizational development!

Personal Development
Turn Negativity Around:  Three Simple, Powerful, Purposeful Ways to Reset the Internal GPS
The Empowerment Compendium
The Secret to Personal Development and Growth
The Happiness Compendium
Success Equals the Reach and Resonance of the Human Heart

Leadership Development
From Now to How:  Building Social, Virtual and Cross Generational Leadership
Disrupt the Status Quo:  Make the Critical Shift Forward
Women and Leadership:  10 Powerful Steps Forward for Women and Men
The Leadership Compendium: Leading in the face of change, challenges, complexity
Rising to the Challenge Before Us:  Leading Forward

Organizational Development

The Thriving Organization-10 Powerful Steps Out of Jurassic Park
The Individual and Organizational Imperative for 3Q Leadership Development
From Now to How:  Building Social, Virtual and Cross Generational Leadership
Winning the New War 
Improving Your Corporate Culture by Adriana Girdler


More on 3Q Personal Development, Leadership Development and Organizational Development? You betcha.  I go the distance for my clients face to face, by tel, skype and video conf.


Irene Headshot



31 replies
  1. Karlene
    Karlene says:

    Leadership is Universal… and skills can be taken from the management of corporations, to building careers and into the flight deck. Thank you for keeping us strong!

  2. Thomas
    Thomas says:

    Love the metaphors, the truth and the information. As a Pastor and Christian I read your stuff and experience lots of positive emotions and your blogs unlock many passions I have for production and positive execution. Your writings are laced with Christian values and loaded with scriptural overtones as well as unique business practices that are super effective. Love the fact that you wrote this one for your Dad. That’s my thoughts. Hope they were inclusive and filled with a united heart for change in our Nation and organizations.

    • Irene Becker
      Irene Becker says:

      Dear Pastor McDaniels: Thank you so much for your comment. Unfortunately the text cut after your second sentence and the word experience. Could you please resend your comment.

      SIncere thanks, IRene

    • Irene Becker
      Irene Becker says:

      Dear Pastor McDaniels: My apologies. I just wrote to you that your comment cut off, and it magically appeared! I am so honored and humbled that you enjoy my blogs! I happen to be Jewish, but have a comprehensive understanding and knowledge of the New Testament. I continue to pray that we will see a time when our people and all people come together as one in mutual respect, faith and love. I believe that G-d is a verb and that verb is love. Opening our hearts and our minds to the spark of the Creator within us is our greatest strength and challenge. Doing so is the only way forward!

      Yours in service and friendship, Irene

  3. Adriana Girdler
    Adriana Girdler says:

    Lovely and inspiring words, Irene. Yes, love is truth and we need the path of faith, hope and courage, especially in the business world. I agree that human history is the greatest teacher. As individuals, we can learn and change. The question I have for you is ‘Why is it once we get into the business setting, short term gain and long term pain is constantly repeated?’ What is it that takes most individuals off the path of love, faith, hope and courage, when at work, and park it at the front door? Is it the individual or the organization that is at the root of this?

    I realize that there is no easy answer but I feel, as a society, this needs further examination in order for the cycle to be broken.

    Thank you for reminding us that we live one life, whether at home or work, our values are our guiding light no matter where we are.

    • Irene Becker
      Irene Becker says:

      Dear Adriana: Thank you for your awesome comments and sage reflections! I am honored to know you and that you took the time to comment on this post! May we always lead forward with hope, faith, courage, integrity and humanity; for doing so is the way forward!

      Best, IRene

  4. acelebrationofwomen2013
    acelebrationofwomen2013 says:

    Brava Irene Becker !!!

    Your Support is Appreciated!

    A Celebration of Women™
    The World Hub for Women Leaders that Care
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    t. 647 393-2125
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    Celebration House™ is a residential education center for women and children that have been displaced by conflict, human trafficking or sexual violence.

    • Irene Becker
      Irene Becker says:

      I think that bitterness does not make us better in that it undermines our greatest potential and erodes the resiliency, focus and purpose that drives our best thoughts and actions. My 3Q model focuses on helping people transform their relationship with change, challenges and stressors into a lever for their potential. I think you will enjoy the articles!

      Best, Irene


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  1. Take Back Your Greatest Power NOW! – 3Q Leadership™ Blog says:

    […] Statistics confirm that if your potential, your purpose, your happiness, and health are not at risk, someone you know, work for, lead or love is in danger. What we are doing is NOT working. American corporations spend in excess of $10 billion a year on executive stress and $300 billion a year on workplace stress related problems and ailments. The World Health Organization forecasts that stress will be the biggest cause of physical disability in the world by 2030, and depression the most prevalent illness by 2020. YOUR greatest power lies not in what you have but in who YOU can be. […]

  2. 3Q Leadership™ Blog | The Leadership Equation: Building Great Leadership At The Speed Of Change says:

    […] Leadership starts in the hearts and minds of all men and women who push themselves to envisage a bet…It starts with the heart beat of hope, faith, integrity, humanity and courage that can change one life and many lives. The leadership equation is a 3Q equation that starts and grows with courage. Leadership means having the courage to build the IQ (intelligence-strategic thought-ability to learn/relearn ) EQ (emotional strength-communication-resiliency) and SQ (values-purpose-integrity of vision/action) that can help us use what is to create what can be; better lives, better organizations…a better world.    It begins by taking responsibility for our life, our growth our ability to contribute to a greater whole in ways that will stretch us, test us and also help us to grow individually and collectively.   […]

  3. […] Our Greatest Hope: New Edition […]

  4. […] When we loose the desire to create value, when we loose hope that we cannot make a positive difference, an important contribution to the lives of others, we have lost the seedbed of our greatest potential. […]

  5. […]  We live in a world of paradox where some of the richest, most successful people are also bitter, disenchanted and unhappy. Once our survival needs have been met, the truest success is happiness; and true happiness can only be defined by self actualization and our ability to feel that we are contributing, giving, sharing and growing. Abraham Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs is timeless, because the human desire, the pilot light of purpose that lights our greatest purpose and happiness cannot be cast asunder. […]

  6. […] More on Great Leadership and 3Q Leadership™ at the Speed of Change?  YOU Betcha! A Growing Collection of More than 400 Articles Download YOUR free eBook: Surviving and Thriving in Disruptive Times-A 3Q Edge™ Primer Performance Optimization and Business Success in Disruptive Times Possibility Thinking, Doing and Results 3Q Leadership Benefits and Why I Have Dedicated My Life to This Work What Does Leadership Really Mean? Our Greatest Hope […]

  7. […] The greatest hope before us lies not in burying our heads in the sand, but rather in facing these fi…, the conviction that we can rise to the challenges before us with courage, integrity and humanity. […]

  8. […] I believe that great leadership speaks to every man and woman who hears the call, who feels the desi… Some of us with lead great organizations, some of us will lead great businesses, some of us will lead great personal relationships, families.  We all have important roles to play in a better future, and our ability to do so lives within our hearts, within our minds, within our desire to reach past what is so we can create what can be. […]

  9. […] I believe that great leadership speaks to every man and woman who hears the call, who feels the desi… Some of us with lead great organizations, some of us will lead great businesses, some of us will lead great personal relationships, families.  We all have important roles to play in a better future, and our ability to do so lives within our hearts, within our minds, within our desire to reach past what is so we can create what can be. […]

  10. […] Lesson Seven:  Hope must spring eternal, because without it we are lost.  When we lose hope we lose our power to make a difference, be a difference and to contribute to a better life, better organization and a better world. Keeping hope alive does not mean wearing rosy colored glasses, it means cleaving to the values, the spiritual quotient, the heartbeat of human innovation and potential that glows and grows from within. […]

  11. From Pain To Gain-Ten Leadership Lessons Learned » Just Coach It-The 3Q Edge says:

    […] Lesson Seven:  Hope must spring eternal, because without it we are lost.  When we lose hope we lose our power to make a difference, be a difference and to contribute to a better life, better organization and a better world. Keeping hope alive does not mean wearing rosy colored glasses, it means cleaving to the values, the spiritual quotient, the heartbeat of human innovation and potential that glows and grows from within. […]

  12. […] The the fire of human potential, employee engagement and effectiveness, agile teams, great management and leadership cannot be lit without the desire to rekindle and champion our greatest hope, our greatest power. Developing a purposeful life, career, team, organization and society rest upon our ability to redirect our thoughts and actions on a focus that ignites the integrity of our thoughts, actions and words.Where do we start? How do we build/rebuild our greatest hope, our greatest power in a world of increasing complexity, change, challenges? We start right here, right now. Impossible? Think again. We stand on a glass cliff, a place where we will see the greatest renaissance we have ever known, or a decline into the abyss of chaos, aggression and destruction. A place where we will choose to be crippled by the need, greed, ego that has destroyed every empire and fiefdom in history OR elect to embrace our potential to use what is to create what can be in ourselves, our families, our organizations, our society…our world.It is your ability, my ability, our ability to cleave to the universal values, express the humanity and moral courage that is our greatest hope for the future. Courage that starts with service above self, with the desire to move from me to WE. Power that grows with the empathy and human connection we build when show kindness to a stranger, reach out and help a colleague of friend, mentor or share knowledge. Leadership that grows when we focus not on what we can get, but rather on what we can contribute. Humanity that is expressed in learning to treat our neighbors, our brothers and sisters as ourselves. Happiness that is found in caring, sharing and contributing.  […]

  13. […] The the fire of human potential, employee engagement and effectiveness, agile teams, great management and leadership cannot be lit without the desire to rekindle and champion our greatest hope, our greatest power. Developing a purposeful life, career, team, organization and society rest upon our ability to redirect our thoughts and actions on a focus that ignites the integrity of our thoughts, actions and words.  […]

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