The Essentialist Leader: Unforgettable-Exceptional-Remarkable

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© Irene Becker, Just Coach It-The 3Q Edge™  | (IQ-EQ-SQ)
3Q Leadership™ Blog- 43,000+ Social Media Followers & Growing!  This post was originally published on Switch and Shift Blog April 2014, and now includes bonus links, videos and podcasts


The desire to do something unforgettable, exceptional and remarkable is the fire that burns in the head and hearts of leaders who strive to create a better future; a living, learning, evolving workplace where potential thrives and products and services create value for all constituents and the communities they serve.  What is Essentialism? Why is it so important? Buy the book by Greg McKeown and find out what “Essentialism” can do for your life, your work, your potential because it is a worthy read. And, for a moment reflect upon the words of Greg McKeown, “The way of the essentialist means living by design not by default.” Thinking by design and not by default means training your brain in ways that can help you build a better present and future.


The imperative to train our brains to focus on that which is essential is brilliant in its simplicity and power.  We are what we think. Our ability to learn to focus, to develop greater strategic thought through ideation and innovation in a sea of stressors and changes, is paramount to our individual, collective and organizational success. What would happen if you could see through the sea of noise, information, and opinions around you with greater acuity by learning to focus on that which is essential to a better present and future? The challenge, the courage to grab the gauntlet, go against the flow and embrace “essentialism” is something that can lead to exceptional and remarkable results. Think about it.

Essentialism is a brilliant concept that can help forward-thinking people, leaders and organizations to strengthen their 3Q Edge/Advantage in disruptive times. 3Q Edge™ uses strengths, challenges, failures and stressors to build three critical areas of strength:

  • Q1: IQ – Enhanced ideation, innovative thought, strategic thought, ability to learn-relearn
  • Q2: EQ – Emotional intelligence, communication, collaboration, risk tolerance, resiliency
  • Q3: SQ – Values, purpose, integrity of communication, action; and the development of the intrinsic motivators that keep us learning, leading and striving forward when times are tough)

Will you become a Essentialist Leader? Embrace your ability to do remarkable and exceptional things in disruptive times? The imperative to do so is clear, because it is a philosophy that can help your leadership, your people and your organization develop a new way of thinking that will help you gain the clarity and courage you need to push boundaries, optimize potential with rapidity while strengthening the emotional, mental and spiritual strength that can take you and your people forward.

The biggest opportunity lies in looking at things in new ways while anchoring the values, integrity and courage that can take us forward; it is this opportunity that helped me develop my 3Q model, it is this opportunity that punctuates my days with purpose and determination. I believe essentialism is fundamental to our ability to grow, evolve and embrace our ability in a sea of change, noise, competition, opinions and information that will continue to grow. The essentialist leader speaks to those who seek to lead greatly in disruptive times, by building a better present and future.

Is it time to be not simply an agent of change, but a change leader?
 Only you can decide, but the imperative to develop new ways of thinking, doing and communicating that take you and your people forward has never been greater. Carpe Diem!


More on 3Q Leadership™?  YOU Betcha.  Our ability to build a better future is the fire that lights my days, my work and my determination to take 3Q to as many people and organizations as I can!

Podcasts and Videos

Anything else?  YES.  Our new website and blog  with expanded collaborators, programs and services for individuals, organizations and emerging leaders debuts this soon.   Stay Tuned!

Irene Headshot

Irene Becker | Just Coach It-The 3Q Edge™ |  IQ-EQ-SQ
Executive Coaching, Consulting, Training and Keynotes with a 3Q Edge™
Leadership, Communication and Career Optimization in Disruptive Times
Face to face and/or virtually by telephone, video conferencing or skype!  Twitter @justcoachit Tel: (1) 416-671-4726   Skype: beckerirene

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  1. Leadership is Olympian | Practical Ways to Ignite Your Inner Olympian – 3Q Leadership™ Blog says:

    […] Leadership means igniting your inner-Olympian •Transform the complex into simple, powerful, messages that align our greatest potential and purpose. Read more about developing effective communication […]

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