Leading and Succeeding in Disruptive Times-Top Ten Posts 2014

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Top Ten Posts 2014 Personal Development & Growth, Leadership Development & Growth, Communicating for Influence in Disruptive and Turbulent Times

© Irene Becker, Just Coach It-The 3Q Edge™ (IQ-EQ-SQ)
3Q Leadership™ Blog- 50,000+ Social Media Followers & Growing!  

top-10Helping smart people and organizations build their 3Q Edge™; their ability to think and learn faster and better, feel better, build resiliency, communicate for influence and develop the anchors and intrinsic motivators that drive grit and the courage to excel in difficult times is my work, my passion and a personal mission that drives me every day.  The imperative to lead and succeed in disruptive times is real and critical.  It is an imperative that speaks to our individual and collective sustainability;  our ability to adapt, innovate, grow and flourish by thinking, communicating and collaborating in NEW ways, better ways that take us forward faster and better.  It is an imperative to that speaks to being able to see the forest for the trees by carving out a new way forward in disruptive times.


Ten Ways to Build Great Leadership in Turbulent Times

Ten Ways to Lead and Succeed in Times of Complexity and Change

12 Important Things I Have Learned About Leadership, Success and Failure

3Q Leadership Exposed-Cover Story Interview, Realizing Leadership Magazine

Possibility Thinking, Doing and Results

How to Build 5 Benchmarks of 21st Century Leadership and Success

The DNA of Business Success in Disruptive Times

How to Inspire and Enable YOUR Greatest Potential

How to Build Better Communication NOW


Take a moment to think about the the power of not simply optimizing your strengths but developing a new relationships with changes, challenges, stressors…even failures that empowers YOUR 3Q Edge…your ability to think smarter, feel and communicate better and lead forward with resiliency, confidence and courage in disruptive or turbulent times.  Change is not the problem it is the answer.  Learning to make small, consistent changes in thinking, communicating and doing/executing that help YOU adapt, grow, evolve, optimize while guarding the values, purpose and integrity that  actualizes personal, professional and organizational greatness is critical.  Carpe diem that power to lead and succeed forward is real, and it starts with YOU.


Anything else?  YES.  Our new website and blog  with expanded collaborators, programs and services for individuals, organizations and emerging leaders debuts this soon.   Stay Tuned!

 Are you ready to find a new way, a better and faster way to build strong leadership, communication influence and career success at the speed of change/challenges?
We are here to help!

Irene Headshot

Irene Becker | Just Coach It-The 3Q Edge™
Leadership, Communication, Career REACH-RESONANCE-RESULTS
Programs, Services and Keynotes with a 3Q Edge™ | Face-Face, Tel, Skype, Video Conf.
irene@justcoachit.com  Twitter @justcoachit Tel: (1) 416-671-4726   Skype: beckerirene

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  1. […] for Change Leadership, Innovation and Success •The DNA of Business Success in Disruptive Times •Leading and Succeeding in Disruptive Times-Top 10 Posts 2014 •Enlightened Self Interest-Building a Resilient, Thriving, Culture •Take a walk on the wild […]

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