Get Inspired by World Changing Ideas and Innovations

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© Irene Becker, Just Coach It-The 3Q Edge™ (IQ-EQ-SQ)
3Q Leadership™ Blog- 50,000+ Social Media Followers & Growing!


When we loose the desire to create value, when we loose hope that we cannot make a positive difference, an important contribution to the lives of others, we have lost the seedbed of our greatest potential.

All that is great stems from our ability to embrace “Everest goals” and hone our ability to be possibility thinkers and doers!

 In a “VUCA” world where volatility, uncertainty, change and ambiguity abound, our ability to use our strengths and challenges to build our 3Q Edge™; Q1: IQ our ability to think smarter, faster and more creatively  Q2: EQ our ability to be more resilient, build emotional intelligence, communicate and collaborate across boundaries  Q3: SQ our ability to strengthen and use purpose, values (the spiritual quotient) while learning to build intrinsic motivation and courage when times are tough and getting tougher!

Do you want to change the world?  Perhaps you simply want to changes things about yourself that are limiting or impeding your greatest potential in a “VUCA” world? Either way, the imperative to get inspired by world changing ideas and innovations is critical. Click here to enjoy some extraordinary innovations, continue reading to learn about world changing ideas of the past year. Don’t restrain yourself. Go ahead, get inspired and inspire others!

The World Changing Ideas Of 2014  |  Fast Co.Exist

Bold predictions for the companies, people, and ideas that will impact our lives in the next 12 months from Fast Company.  Gratitude to Morgan Clendaniel, Editor of Fast Co Exist, for allowing me to host this as a guest article.  Thank you, and Fast Company for your outstanding work & contribution!

Forecasting the future is never easy. We were, of course, supposed to have flying cars by now–and yet here we all are, still stuck in traffic on the ground. But lack of personal aerial-transportation options aside, we are living in a world in which the pace of innovation and scientific discovery makes reality seem more and more like science fiction. In the next year, those lines will get even more blurred: Think electronic pills that beam your vitals to your doctor, a drone swooping from the sky to save lives in a disaster, or even a fundamental rethinking of how businesses relate to society. One thing that’s certain: The world will look very different a year from now. We predict that these 12 ideas, currently being shaped in labs, skunk works, and boardrooms around the world, will be some of the most revolutionary, changing how we live, for the better, in 2014 and beyond. And if they fail to materialize in the next 12 months, just wait–they’ll still happen before that flying car.

We Will (Begin To) Destroy Malaria

The malaria parasite still thrives in countries like Angola and Uganda, where treatment and prevention are tough to implement. But this year, the first-ever vaccine could come up for regulatory approval, giving hope that the world might someday end the disease. Read more here.

A Drone Will Save a Life

Police who responded to a Saskatchewan car accident last May had a dilemma–the victim was missing. They had no luck searching the area on the ground, but in this case, there was another tool: They sent an unmanned aerial vehicle to look for telltale infrared signatures. Read more here.

As media theorist Douglas Rushkoff puts it, “Code is literacy in the 21st century.” Schools are starting to come around to that point of view, and 2014 will see a big jump in students who are studying computer programming. In 2013, Idaho and Tennessee passed legislation allowing computer science to fulfill math or science graduation requirements–a move that will lead to class sizes 50% larger than before–and organizations such as and the Association of Computing Machinery are working to spread the movement nationwide. This year, says ACM’s director of public policy, Cameron Wilson, “we will unite behind the idea that every student should have access to K–12 computer science education as a fundamental new literacy for all, instead of knowledge for a privileged few.”–Jillian Goodman

Get Inspired! Click here to read The World Changing Ideas of 2014 by Morgan Clendaniel, Fast Co Exist in it’s entirety.



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