Re-focus, Re-Purpose, Re-Power

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New mindset = new result!

10 Practical Ways to Re-focus, Re-purpose, Re-power in Disruptive Times (and a BIG list of practical, inspiring 3Q personal development links and tips)

©Irene Becker, Just Coach It-The 3Q Edge™ (IQ-EQ-SQ)
3Q Leadership™ Blog- 52,000+ Social Media Followers & Growing!

New Mindset-New Result

Take Back Your Power to Make a Difference-Because YOU Can

Who is writing this post? What do I know about this topic? More than most people.

I have been to the top of the mountain, and I have started again from ground zero with challenges and seemingly impossible odds staring me in the face.  You can read my story and the genesis of my 3Q Leadership work…you can read my bio OR you can reflect upon what causes someone to be passionate about your ability to not simply play to strengths but to transform changes, challenges, stressors AND even failures into a powerful lever for our greatest potential and results. Potential and results that speak to your talent, your purpose your ability to make a difference in a way that will positively impact your life and the lives of others.

Life and career were complicated enough before we entered this new VUCA (volatility-uncertainty, change, ambiguity) world.  Is there an upside?  Yes! 

Success means recognizing and accelerating your ability to learn/re-learn, rethinking and finding new ways of communicating, collaborating and executing that help you use what is to create what can be in yourself and in others.  It means actualizing your greatest potential, and this potential is ignited when you recognize YOUR ability to make a difference. New Mindset-New Result.

Here are 10 Ways to Re-focus, Re-Purpose-Repower!
New Mindset=New Result


Be Your Own Hero

Be Your Own Hero

1. Be Your Own Hero.  Focus on YOUR Greatest Power-YOUR True Power.

Whether you seek to lead your best life, lead your team, organization or country you will need to lead greatly. Leading greatly means understanding and enabling YOUR true power. It means championing yourself, rather than waiting for someone to champion you. True power is not the power of domination, exploitation, ego or arrogance; true power is the fire of faith, hope, courage, integrity and humanity; it is the spark plug that can help you be your own hero! Read more…





Ask the right questions

Ask questions that take YOU forward!

2. Ask yourself the right questions. What are YOU doing with your life? What do YOU really want to achieve?

What new personal rituals/habits of thinking are you developing to inspire, empower and engage YOUR best self?

How can YOU shut down YOUR negative self talk in ways that empower YOUR best thoughts and feelings?  Read more…



Build Mindfulness

Build Mindfulness

3. Make mindfulness part of your daily practice…in less than 10 minutes a dayNo time to meditate….Try The Pause-Yes, in 3 minutes you can put your brain in an alpha state, develop greater mindfulness and repower!

Click for the 3 minute Pause exercise Science confirms that mindfulness is critical to health, cognition, ideation, longevity, happiness, creativity.  Meditating, praying, chanting all build mindfulness…so does doing a simple exercise like The Pause.



Develop Self Awareness

Build Greater Self Awareness

4. Build self-awareness; develop a better, stronger relationship with yourself and others. 
How can you build a better stronger relationship with yourself?How can you build a better stronger relationship with others?

Take time to reflect and build self-awareness and your relationship with yourself because doing so is critical to establishing and building better relationships with others.  Read more...






Develop "Cool Tools" Five minute rituals to refocus, recharge and repower!

Develop “Cool Tools” Five minute rituals to refocus, recharge and repower!

5.  Use “Cool Tools” 5 minute rituals that bring out your best; personal rituals you can do almost anywhere that help you refocus-recharge and re-power.

Cool tools (5 minute rituals) you can use almost anywhere, and that will help you re-set the GPS so that you are empowered, solution focused and ready to do and feel your best!  Click for an excellent list of 5 minute Cool Tools…




Fail Forward!

Fail Forward!

6. Turn failure around by using it to succeed and to build the cognitive dexterity, emotional dexterity and resiliency that are critical. Crazy? Really? Think again. Being able to see them with new eyes, learning to use them as positive and powerful stepping-stones to your greatest potential and results is the way forward.

Yes, in the middle of failure there are many levels of opportunity and growth! Read more…





Inspire Yourself

Inspire Yourself

7. Inspire yourself.  The choice is before you, is before us all; you can choose to champion the best or be swept away by the worst.

Let’s face it, we are primally wired to be on the look out for predators; negativity and fear will catch our immediate attention. Yes, it is time to re-set the primal wiring!

You can feed your mind, your brain, your soul with intake that inspires, engages and challenges your forward or give in to the ongoing climate of volatility, uncertainty, change and ambiguity that characterizes this time of great paradox and transition.  Finding one simple way each day to feel inspired, developing personal rituals of inspiration is critical.  Read more…





Inspire Others

Inspire Others

8.  Inspire Others
Find a way each day to inspire another person forward. Just like volunteering your time makes you feel good, simply sharing a smile, a word or gesture that inspires someone else will positively impact your day. Mirror neurons enable us to sense the feelings of others. Pass positivity forward by inspiring another person and watch the inspiration ripple grow!   Read more…


9.  See your story with new eyes that help you appreciate your strengths/talents while transforming challenges into a lever for grit, greatness, potential and results.  Read more…



Build Your 3Q Edge

Build Your 3Q Edge-Use strengths and challenges as positive levers for your potential and results!

10.  Build YOUR 3Q Edge™ You cannot defy gravity, but you can learn to optimize strengths while also transforming changes, challenges, stressors (even failures) into a lever for your greatest potential and results- Neuroscience confirms that our brains are neuro-plastic; we have the ability to re-write patterns of thinking, communicating and doing. Read more…

More? Always! A selection of passionate, inspiring and practical 3Q personal leadership and personal development  posts and tips:



Anything else?  YES.  Our new website and blog  with expanded collaborators, programs and services for individuals, organizations and emerging leaders debuts this month. Stay Tuned!

Are you ready to find a new way, a better and faster way to build strong leadership, communication influence and career success at the speed of change/challenges? We are here to help!

Irene Headshot

Irene Becker, Chief Success Officer
Just Coach It-The 3Q Edge™ | (IQ-EQ-SQ)
Face to Face, By Telephone, Skype or Video Conferencing
Programs, Services and Keynotes for a Better, Stronger Tomorrow
Leadership Growth, Communication Influence, Career Optimization in Disruptive Times  Twitter @justcoachit Tel: (1) 416-671-4726   Skype: beckerirene

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  1. […] Secret to Peace and Prosperity Refocus, Repurpose, Repower I Choose the Road Less Traveled The Happiness Course Picking the Golden Apple Recharge, Repower in 3 […]

  2. […] on Leading YOUR Best Project and Life?  YOU Betcha! Refocus, Repurpose, Repower Ten Ways to Build Happiness (and Productivity) Building an Agile Self and Team Teambuilding toolkit […]

  3. […] Re-focus, Re-Purpose, Re-Power […]

  4. […] Ten Practical Ways to Re-focus, Re-Purpose, Re-Power Re-Charge and Re-Power in 3 Minutes or Less:  List of 3Q Cool Tools Building a Better Future: Mission, Vision, Values  The Individual and Organizational Imperative for 3Q Leadership™ […]

  5. […] and Growth?  YOU Betcha! The Secret to Personal Development and Growth Turning Negativity Around Refocus-Repurpose-Repower 7 Ways to Engage and Enable Your Greatest Potential The Power of YOUR Story Re-Charge-Inspire […]

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