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Embrace and engage your greatest power by taking one small, but important step out of your comfort zone. One step towards a better, stronger and happier you.  One step that will help you develop the cognitive and emotional dexterity you need to thrive in times of uncertainty and turbulence.

Take this moment to feel your strength and to light the fire of your greatest purpose, passion and potential because…

Today you can engage your greatest power by re-discovering your best self and noblest intentions.

Today you can take one small, but powerful step forward that can change your life and the lives of others.

Seize this day by deciding to think, act or communicate in a new way and by remembering that

More?  You Betcha
Essential Reading for CEO’s and Leaders
Happiness Recovery:  Ten Actionable Steps
How to Survive and Thrive in Times of Uncertainty
The Secret to Personal Development and Growth
I Will Not Be Broken-The Call to Build a Better Future

3Q Leadership and Why I Have Dedicated My Life to this Work

Are you ready to use what is to create what can be in yourself, your team, your business or organization? Develop the 3Q Leadership strengths that move mountains and molehills?  Reach out and I will reach back:  irene@justcoachit.com 

Expert Interview Series:  How Leadership is Changing | John Mattone-Irene Becker

Executive Coaching, Consulting & Keynotes with a 3Q Edge
For Powerful Results in Disruptive/Turbulent Times
Irene (1) 416-671-4726  Skype:  beckerirene
Irene’s assistant, Drew Jones, (1) 737-5075
Email:  irene@justcoachit.com
Email:  drew@justcoachit.com