Empowerment & Success in Disruptive/Uncertain Times: 10 minute cool tool #1
Paint a new picture-get a new result
Your ability to change your perspective, to develop cognitive and emotional dexterity is as real as it is critical. And, building your 3Q Edge, your ultimate advantage, is both challenging, inspiring and fun! Yes, you CAN recognize and engage your strengths while using challenges, changes, stressors, and frustrations to leverage your greatest potential.
New mindset = new result
Easier said than done? Think again. Change is your greatest strength.
You can do this and I am going to tell you how you can build Q strengths, strengths that help you build your best life and career. Strengths that help YOU contribute to a better tomorrow. It is my mission to help as many people as possible not be part of the World Health forecast that anxiety and depression will be the major cause of physical disability in the world by 2020!
Uplevel your enthusiasm-prime yourself for success in your life and career;
Yes, you can achieve in a VUCA (volatility, uncertainty, complexity, ambiguity) world. REALIZE your ability to develop a NEW relationship with change, challenges, uncertainty even failures that takes you forward faster, smarter and happier. It is my mission to help you empower, engage and transform what is into what CAN be in your life, leadership, and career; it’s my mission to help you build your 3Q Edge.
The way you start the day is critical to your health, success, and happiness! Learning to prime yourself for focus, positivity, energy can be life-changing.
If you up on the wrong side of the bed, you need to turn this around as quickly as you can. Upside, you have the power to change your mindset, you have the power to increase your ability to focus, and getting started is simple. Remember, new mindset-new result. You cannot build a fire with WET wood. You will not be able to have your best day, achieve maximum success or happiness with negativity or sadness holding you down.
CLICK here for a 10-minute priming exercise from Tony Robbins, a great cool tool** to use and to share. Try it out every morning and share the difference it has made in your life with us on the blog!
**I call exercises that are free, fantastic, build 3Q skills AND can be done in 10 minutes or less a day “COOL TOOLS“, and I will be sharing my Cool Tools and the cool tools of thought leaders and change-makers to help you achieve maximum value in minimal time**
Anything else? Carpe Diem. Here’s a 3-minute cool tool to turn your positive power up and on, no matter what kind of day you are having! Take a 3-minute break from whatever you are doing and simply think about 3 things you are grateful for and wiggle your toes! This simple exercise will reset your mood.
Podcasts and interviews I’ve done that you may enjoy.
Interview on 3Q Leadership by #1 expert in Intelligent Leadership and #3 Executive Coach, John Mattone
Radio Interview by Deb Scott: From Pain To Gain In Life And Career
Web TV Interview by Shannon Skinner: Extraordinary Women Leading In The Face Of Challenges
Are you ready to go from Now to HOW? Get re-inspired by what you can achieve at the speed of change/challenges? Recharge, refocus, repurpose, repower? We are here to help!
Irene Becker | Just Coach It-The 3Q Edge™ | IQ-EQ-SQ for Reach-Resonance-Results Executive Coaching, Consulting and Keynotes with a 3Q Edge™
Power up, power on, power forward…if not now when?
Face to face and/or virtually by telephone, video conferencing or skype!
Twitter @justcoachit Tel: (1) 416-671-4726 Skype: beckerirene
Contact Irene: irene@justcoachit.com
Contact Irene’s assistant Drew: drew@justcoachit.com
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