The Secret to Peace & Prosperity-A Very Short, Passionate, Purposeful Allegory about Life & Leadership

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The Secret to Peace and Prosperity:
A Very Short, Passionate, Purposeful Allegory About Life and Leadership

by Irene Becker, Chief Success Officer,

Three wise men approached the most incredible treasure, the secret to peace and prosperity…


The first wise man was too busy to see the treasure…


The second wise man was too stressed to see the treasure…


The third wise man fell to his knees and wept because the greatest treasure, the secret to peace and prosperity…
was emblazoned on a simple blade of grass that sat between the river of his greatest desires and his most hidden weaknesses and fear…


  • Live and lead with faith in your highest power and dedication to following the universal values that sustain your world, and you will discover the secret to building your best self, best thoughts, best emotions and best actions.


  • Live and lead with compassion and non-judgment towards yourself and your fellow human beings, and you will discover the secret to building humility, courage, tenacity and resiliency in the face of change and pain.


  • Live and lead with love in your heart for the great gift of life, and you will discover that the secret to peace and prosperity lies not in what you can command, control or acquire but in what you can give, receive and share.

The third wise man found a wise woman with whom he shared his story and continued to cry.


In reading what was written on that simple blade of grass between his greatest desires and his most hidden weaknesses and fears…


He had opened his head, heart and soul to that eternal flame that can transform all that is into all that can be…


Today, as you are reading these words and digesting this simple story; think about the purpose of your life, pause and reflect upon the reality that life and the accoutrements of success and comfort that you acquire on your journey are simply on loan to you.

When you leave this life, all that you have commanded, controlled and acquired disappears.

But, the faith, compassion and love that you have shared with others becomes a legacy, an eternal, timeless treasure that will remain in the hearts and minds of those whose lives you have touched. A gift that they can, in turn pass on to others who seek to realize their potential to make a difference in their world.

Seize this moment, this day to think about how you can build the faith, compassion and love that can help you take your life from good to great by simply starting to activate your potential to make a difference in the life of another.


Because, all that we have, all that we are, is nothing in comparison with what we have the power to become when we choose to live and lead from goodness to greatness.

Yours in service,

More about Human Passion, Purpose and Potential?  YOU Betcha

Against All Odds:  A True Story of Hope, Courage and Leadership
Leadership Means Doing Good in the World
From Victim to Victor
Our Greatest Hope
Rising to the Challenge Before Us

Irene Becker

51 replies
  1. Connie McKnight
    Connie McKnight says:

    That was so inspiring. This point: “Live and lead with compassion and non-judgment towards yourself and your fellow human beings, and you will discover the secret to building humility, courage, tenacity and resiliency in the face of change and pain. ” is what I’ve been working towards for many many years now and feel I’m living that way most of the time.

    I’m so grateful I learned about Eckhart Tolle and his teachings, for I learned to quite listening to all the stories my mind used to bring up. Being in the now and accepting each moment as it is, is peace on earth.

    Thank you for sharing this post; it’s a treasure.


    • Irene Becker
      Irene Becker says:

      Dear Connie: I am humbled and touched by your message. The Secret to Peace & Prosperity came from my head, heart and soul. I am so thrilled that it spoke to you.

      May you always be guided by your greatest light! You are awesome. Thank you.

      Yours in service, Irene

    • Risa Ruse
      Risa Ruse says:

      Hi Irene and Connie,

      On my own journey in the Path of Enlightenment living in the present moment was one of my greatest challenges. Divine rhyme has healed the negative emotions that have cleared the way to being able to have the insight to reflect on the “blade of grass”.

      Blessings today and tomorrow and then some to you both,

      • Irene Becker
        Irene Becker says:

        Hi Risa: Thank you so much! I know that you have successful conquered PTSD, and done so through your poetry, your incredible spirit and strength! Kudos to you. May your work continue to spread love, light and hope.

        Blessings to you, today, tomorrow and always!

        XO Irene

  2. Edward Colozzi
    Edward Colozzi says:

    Hi Irene,
    What a powerful and beautiful post and allegory!

    As Connie shared, This is simply –A True Treasure!

    Keep up your excellent work and calling Irene as you continue to touch the hearts and minds of others. EdC

    • Irene Becker
      Irene Becker says:

      Hi Ed: Thank you SO much. I am touched, I am humbled and I am thrilled at your feedback, and Connie’s feedback.

      Touching the heads and hearts of others; helping them to see their challenges and strengths with new eyes is what my work is all about.

      Sincerest thanks, Ed!

  3. Elli St.George Godfrey
    Elli St.George Godfrey says:


    A lovely and profound post! There is that moment when you discover you can jettison all the negativity that holds you back. The next act of faith happens in the day-to-day as you go forth. Everyday it is important to extend yourself compassion and nurturing as well as reminders that it takes practice to live as your best self. The other part I’d add is that it’s not a linear process and, even when we slip backwards, we are still moving forward. Once you’ve experienced a deeper sense of self-awareness, you can’t go back to the same place you were.

    Just being in this space allows us to interact with others with kindness. It’s always a wonderful discovery to find out that something small I’ve done was something huge to someone else.

    • Irene Becker
      Irene Becker says:

      Elli: Thank you so much for taking the time to comment. Humbled and honored by your comments, and wisdom. I hope that we will have the opportunity to connect, as it is a blessing to meet colleagues who share a passion for that which matters most! My email is Would be terrific to set up a day and time to connect.

      Yours in service, Irene

    • Irene Becker
      Irene Becker says:

      Sana: Thank you So much for your comments! I will certainly keep on, and appreciate your support. Learning, sharing, contributing…helping my clients and readers of my blog move forward happier and better is what my work is all about.

      Hope you will come back and visit the blog! There is lots of great info, inspiring info on site…and, lots more to come!

      Very best! Irene

    • Irene Becker
      Irene Becker says:

      Dear Ernasto: Thank you so much for your wonderful comments. I work, I live, I write in service. The spark of the Creator, the spark of all that is good is within us all. Illuminating this spark is what living our best life is all about. We face challenging times where the importance of developing a new perspective, a new way of actually using the challenges, changes and crises we face to enhance what I call our 3Q’s is critical. I move forward with my head and heart aligned, because we stand individually and collectively on a glass cliff. A place where we will either see the greatest renaissance of humanity or the abyss! I vote for the former and remain dedicate to helping those who lead and those who aspire to greater leadership, great contribution in their lives and work move forward faster, better and happier.

      Yours in service, Irene

  4. Simon Harvey
    Simon Harvey says:

    Dear Irene,

    Of course I would not have expected anything less than brilliant from you. Beautiful words that touch the very core of our existence.

    It is an inspiring story that shines a bright light in reminding us how fleeting life is. That as we walk this planet, we should remember to leave it a better place, better than when we were born on it. To live as large or small, as we each of us can, to leave what we have learned to those that come after us.

    For what we do, or do not do today, shapes tomorrow, and tomorrow is what we leave those that follow.

    Wonderful prose, thank you.


    • Irene Becker
      Irene Becker says:

      Dear Simon: Thank you so much for your wonderful comments, I am touched, humbled and honored. Living large by truly tapping into the faith, hope, intelligence and humanity that give birth to our best selves is the road to happiness, transformation and leadership. It is the road to a life well lived.

      Again, sincerest thanks for your comments, and for your appreciation of my words and my work.

      Yours in service, Irene

  5. Dylan
    Dylan says:

    Very impressive. It shows you can never take anything for granted or let any success go to your head. Everything could be over in a whim. But instead of becoming bitter, you apparently learned how fragile everything is and how thankful one should be for all the oppurtunities given to you.

    Tears to my eyes

    Applies to blog entry above as well as On overcoming

    Love, Dylan

    • Irene Becker
      Irene Becker says:

      Thanks so much for your comments, Dylan. Success is timeless. Success is creating value for others while remaining in alignment with the courage, faith, hope and humanity that not only lightst our hearts, but illuminates our world.

      Yours in service, Irene

  6. Irene Becker
    Irene Becker says:

    Diedre: Thanks so much for your comments and enthusiasm about Qblog! You can sign up my rss feed, and also follow me on twitter Look forward to continuing to provide you with great content!

    Big thanks, Irene

  7. Andrea Woolf
    Andrea Woolf says:

    I love your post! I especially like how you’ve shared it as a story. I wholeheartedly agree that the way to begin working with purpose is to open our hearts and share our love with others. Truly powerful!

    It is great that you are sharing your knowledge with others here. You are truly making a difference in the world. Keep doing what you are doing!

    To your magnificence!
    Andrea Woolf
    Founder, Ignite Your Life Book
    Co-Founder, Wake Up Abundant
    Ambassador of Manifest Money,

    • Irene Becker
      Irene Becker says:

      Hi Andrea: Thank you so much for your wonderful comments. Learning, sharing and contributing are what it is all about! Truly, appreciated your very kind comments as I do my best to make a positive difference! Look forward to learning more about your work, and will visit your site this weekend.

      To your magnificence!

  8. Peg Gillard (@gracinginfinity)
    Peg Gillard (@gracinginfinity) says:

    Thank you for sharing the inspiration that you collect. Your heartfelt words bring comfort and serenity to many. All we truly need does indeed live within us. It is ours to discover and share.

    May this week bring fulfillment and gentleness to you~

  9. Shreeji Arun
    Shreeji Arun says:

    Irene, Thank you. The story is the reality to today. We are too busy, too stressed etc.

    How do we start a project that would bring people out to do something positive?

    Something that will allow people to become aware of the internal truth at the same time an activity to implement this awareness. By incorporating an activity on daily, weekly or monthly bases and a commitment that is measurable we make a difference in ourselves as well as people we impact.

    Let us see how we can do put this in practice. Anyone wants to join?

    • Irene Becker
      Irene Becker says:

      Hi Shreeji: I thank you for your comments, and again apologize for the delay in responding due to tech difficulties.

      I think the only way to start a project that helps people realize the importance of tapping into their ability to see good and do good is by mirroring this in our own lives and interactions. Each time we can move past ego, past the need to be validated by others and reach out instead from a place that aligns with our values and noblest spirit we are creating an critical and important positive energy in the world, and we are also being a role model for others.

      Your comment about incorporating positive activities on a daily basis is very important, as to move forward we have to reset our brains, to change our mind set and this is achieve through small, consistent positive steps.

      I would like to hear more about how you implement positive steps, and invite you to write to me at

      Best, Irene

  10. Tito Ngoma
    Tito Ngoma says:

    Since what Shreeji pointed out is exactly what i wanted to say.. so i will go ahead and say it…

    The story is the attacht to true reality. We are too busy, and too stressed.

    You pointed out things that will allow people to become aware of the internal truth at the same time an activity to implement this awareness. By incorporating an activity on daily, weekly or monthly bases and a commitment that is measurable we make a difference in ourselves as well as people we impact.

    I am conluding on the fact that reading you has started to change a lot on my thinking..

    Thank you Irene!!…

    • Irene Becker
      Irene Becker says:

      Tito, you are so very welcome. I am glad that my post spoke to you, was insightful and helpful to you. I believe that it is critical to get back to basics in terms of focusing on what we truly want and how to get there. We are easily lead astray by the sheer velocity of life, work and the challenges we face. Challenges that can obscure the fact that the secret to peace and prosperity has not changed and never will… create value for others! Focusing on what we can build, on our ability to do good works and incorporating our values in each day can not only change our life, but the lives of others.

      Best! Irene

  11. David Lapin
    David Lapin says:

    It is so amazing how “common knowledge” (about as uncommon as common sense is) becomes so inspiringly moving when written as a heartfelt work of art. Thank you irene for a piece so valuable.

    David Lapin
    Author: Lead By Greatness

    • Irene Becker
      Irene Becker says:

      Rabbi Lapin: I am honored that you found my post inspiring and artful. Thank you so much for your comments. I think that perhaps the hardest thing to remember is what you spoke to as “common knowledge”. We are blindsided by so much, we forget that even in the most complex of times, amid the greatest chaos the answer is right there. Helping clients connect the dots and find the simple powerful answer amidst complexity is one of my strengths. My passion remains in ME to WE, Goodness to Greatness Leadership because I believe that purpose makes profit-purpose that speaks to creating value, purpose that speaks to servant leadership, purpose that speaks to our individual and collective ability to use the very challenges we face as a catalyst for our greatest potential.

      I thank you for your wonderful book, Lead by Greatness… and for your comments.

      Yours in service,

  12. Jim Zboran
    Jim Zboran says:

    Very powerful message, Irene. Thank you.

    It took some decades for me to arrive at the understanding that you so beautifully summarized:

    “…take your life from good to great by simply starting to activate your potential to make a difference in the life of another.”

    Today, I consider that to be a personal mandate at the core of my life-purpose which I fulfill in my coaching practice for solo entrepreneurs.

    From my experience, your encouragement to “think about how you can build the faith, compassion and love that can” activate that potential is the perfect starting place. That’s because it can expose the very issue that keeps some people from achieving that potential: fear.

    Fear is incompatible with faith, compassion, and love. Love must have a healthy level of vulnerability, compassion must have a healthy degree of acceptance, and faith must have a healthy measure of trust in what isn’t seen. And vulnerability, acceptance, and trust are all anathema to fear.

    While many are beyond that point, others may find an effective clue to starting the journey of moving their lives from good to great by looking for fear-based thinking that is keeping them from realizing their potential to make a difference in the lives of others.

    That’s what I’ve found anyway. But no matter where the starting point is for any given individual, the bottom line in regards to your thoughts on what makes a life great and what it takes (faith, compassion, love) to do that is this:

    Right on!

    • Irene Becker
      Irene Becker says:

      Hi Jim: Thank YOU s much for your feedback, and for your very sage and powerful comments. I think YOU are right on! So good to know that you are out there coaching and guiding solo entrepreneurs, who have to wear so many hats, juggle so many responsibilities. Kudos to you!

      Best, Irene

    • Irene Becker
      Irene Becker says:

      Hi Jim: I apologize for the tardy reply, as I had a few tech glitches with my blog! Thank YOU so much for your feedback and your very powerful and sage comments. YOU are so on point! You must be an excellent coach, and solo preneurs truly need someone to help them optimize their potential as they wear so many hats, have so many responsibilities, that the tendency to diffuse one’s potential or to get mired in fear is great!

      I think YOU are right on!

      • Jim Zboran
        Jim Zboran says:

        Hi Irene,

        Thank you for your very kind thoughts 🙂

        The diffusing of potential is definitely the downfall of a lot of (most?) people seeking to optimize their potential.

        Focus (lack of it) and fear (too much, misplaced) are two of the prime areas that keep people back from finding and delivering the value they can bring to others (and in the process, ironically, themselves).

        Just helping people navigate their way past those two downfalls is the major part of equipping, empowering, and encouraging them toward optimizing their potential. Any technical details most people need to acquire to do what they want to do are really very minor and secondary to their success.

        Shhh… don’t tell anyone my coaching “secret sauce” 😉

        All the best, Irene, and thank you for the equipping, encouraging, and empowering work you do 🙂

        P.S. No worries about the timing of your reply at all, Irene. Online conversations for me seem to be a tapestry of threads that are picked up, worked with, and are set down until the next time picked up for continued overall progress. I didn’t think your reply was tardy, I just assumed you were focused on other threads 🙂

        • Irene Becker
          Irene Becker says:

          Dear Jim: You are most welcome. Thank you for your patience, and sage reflections. I agree with you the most critical levers for success are finding new ways to optimize our potential, and doing so means refocusing, learning and relearning in ways that empower and engage us!

          Thanks for sharing your secret sauce. I am sure you are an outstanding coach!

          WIshing you the happiest of holidays,

  13. Wanda Einfeldt
    Wanda Einfeldt says:

    Thank you for sharing these wise words. I try to live this way daily and of course, being human I am not perfect and fail at times. But I get up and try again 🙂

    I would like to be a legacy 🙂

    • Irene Becker
      Irene Becker says:

      Wanda: Thank you so much for your very kind message. I wish you much success on your journey. And, remember perfection is unattainable, but when we strive to be the best we can in the moment our ability to learn, grow and contribute expands expotentially. There are also great lessons in failure, and today it is something we have to learn to see as part of our successful steps forward. Sharing a post I hope you enjoy: The Secret to Success is Failing Forward

      Best! Irene

    • Irene Becker
      Irene Becker says:

      Dear William: SO sorry for the tardy reply…tech problem on the blog. THank you so much for your wonderful message. SO appreciated, as walking my talk is what I do best!

      Warm regards and Happy New Year!

    • Irene Becker
      Irene Becker says:

      Hi Chery: Thank you SO much for your wonderful feedback. SO appreciated. There is a lot of content on the blog around leadership development, personal development, employee engagement, communication, EQ and the model I am passionate about 3Q! If there is an area that interests you in particular, drop me a line at I am a rather prolific writer and have lots of content to share that is not on the site!

      Wishing you a fab day!



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