Leadership Awareness & Growth Tool: Your Emotional Journeyline

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The best lessons that we learn are drawn from not only our own experiences, but more particularly from the emotions, the energy that is attached to these experiences.


Take out a blank sheet of paper, or use a word doc if you are able to draw a simple graph on the word doc.

At the middle of the vertical axis write “neutral emotional energy”, at the bottom write “negative emotional energy” and at the top write “positive emotional energy”

Draw a horizontal axis and use it as a timeline from your childhood today.

Plot on the chart the times in your life and career when you felt particularly good about yourself (POSITIVE EMOTIONAL ENERGY), times when you were particularly stressed or discouraged (NEGATIVE EMOTIONAL ENERGY) and other times in your life when you were bored (NEUTRAL

Irene Becker, www.justcoachit.com

6 replies
    • Irene Becker
      Irene Becker says:

      Thanks, Britt. I am so glad that the leadership emotional journey line was of service! Appreciate your taking the time to comment. I look forward to not only continuing to write about leadership, but to posting more leadership tools.

      Best, Irene


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  1. 3Q Leadership™ Blog | Most Popular Posts and Videos July thru Sept 2011-Qblog says:

    […] Leadership Awareness Growth Tool   […]

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