From Pain To Gain-Ten 21st Century Leadership Lessons Learned

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From Pain To Gain:  Ten 21st Century Leadership Lessons Learned >>>>A New Course Based On This Course Debuts Soon.  Enrollment Limited.  Contact Us for more details!

© Irene Becker, Just Coach It-The 3Q Edge™  | (IQ-EQ-SQ) Reach-Resonance-Results
3Q Leadership™ Blog- 27,000+ Social Media Followers & Growing!  


Leadership is a 3Q equation supported by courage. Courage grows each time we align intelligence (IQ) + humanity (EQ) + integrity (SQ)


From Pain To Gain-Ten Leadership Lessons Learned

If you are a trailblazer  who wants to not simply optimize strengths but transform changes/challenges into a lever for your greatest ability; I hope this post will motivate you.

If you are a leader who aspires to building an organization where purpose, engagement,  innovation, communication, collaboration (the fire of human potential shines and grows); I hope this post will inspire you.

If you are working/living on over-drive, stuck in a rut/stasis or feeling lost;   I hope this post will motivate you to look within and reclaim your power.

If you are a  member of any ethnic group/gender that has traditionally be disenfranchised;  I hope you will recognize your ability, our ability to light a candle that can drive unity and strength among all people sharing this earth.

Since writing my story,  Against All Odds, my journey has included some of the greatest challenges I have ever faced; I guess the pivot points in my journey were pain points that would have compelled most people to simply give up.  As a young child, on a journey that encompassed tragedy, abuse, pain and a myriad of  challenges I discovered that the greatest power we have is in the hope, faith, courage, integrity and humanity that lights a fire in our soul.  I learned that the values we cherish are the formula for our greatest success or a descent into an endless trajectory of ego driven illusions that never really help us achieve our greatest purpose. I learned that we each have a unique footprint, a unique gift/contribution to share in our lifetime; each positive step forward that is alignment with hope, faith, courage, integrity and humanity takes us all forward.

Success is a journey towards a greater goal; a courageous hike on a path replete with many challenges and failures.  
From Pain To Gain:  Ten Lessons Learned 

Lesson One:  Leadership is about thought and action; it is also about nurturing the greatness in others. We can all learn to lead forward in different ways, those who lead in a BIG way will be guided by a vision, a purpose and a commitment that is larger than themselves and speaks to the values/spiritual quotient that can guide us forward individually and collectively.

Lesson Two:  Those who abuse power, position to get ahead or dominate others may win in the short term, but their playbook will never give them the sense of fulfillment they truly desire. After our survival needs are met, we all seek to be loved.  Love is what drive us all.  We crave it, we need it, and those who abuse power will never truly find it.

Lesson Three:  Success is a me to we equation. Life, business and success are all human equations that rely upon the strength and integrity of the relationships we build and nurture. The global village that Marshall McCluhan spoke of in the 1970’s is now a reality, the social, digital and virtual landscape of our lives, our business and organizations is based on the relationships be develop.  Success is a me to we equation.

Lesson Four:  The best business idea is impotent without the business strategy, financial capital, human capital to transform what is into what can be. Building a business, an organization, a professional practice requires not only courage and tenacity but the knowledge, collaboration and focus that are the building blocks of success.

Lesson Five:  If you want to be a change-maker expect to be tested and challenged at every corner.  Every step of the journey will be challenged by those who see you as a threat to the status quo.  You will be unable to lead forward, to move forward without building a community of purpose, a constituency of those who share your values and objectives and will support your journey against the flow of what is.

Lesson Six: Bad things, terrible things, totally unfair things happen to good people; (great interview with a survivor and thriver, Resiliency Expert, Michael Ballard). It is our spiritual quotient, our belief in a greater power, a bigger picture and purpose we cannot see or understand that can take us through the most difficult of times.  If you are a survivor, you must become a thriver.  Those who thrive in the face of terrible adversity, illness, life/career challenges are those whose are purpose and values centered.  Their values and purpose are a pilot light that keeps their hope, faith and courage shining brightly in the darkest night.

Lesson Seven:  Hope must spring eternal, because without it we are lost.  When we lose hope we lose our power to make a difference, be a difference and to contribute to a better life, better organization and a better world. Keeping hope alive does not mean wearing rosy colored glasses, it means cleaving to the values, the spiritual quotient, the heartbeat of human innovation and potential that glows and grows from within.

Lesson Eight:  Purpose makes profit; what does not create value for ALL constituents will ultimately crash and burn.  The secret to success is simple and timeless; create value for others; the imperative to do so has never been greater.  Organizations who survive and thrive will be communities of purpose who align vision, values, purpose with the engagement of human potential. Our ability to communicate, collaborate and build solutions that take us forward is a group activity.  The members of your group, your team, your community of purpose must be shareholders in the values and objectives that transform me into we!

Lesson Nine: Adaptability-Resiliency-Creativity-Ingenuity rooted in courage, integrity, humanity are the strengths and values that will take us forward individually and collectively.  We must embrace change while guarding the values that are the anchor for a better present and future. The words we use, the thoughts we think impact our potential, optimizing our ability means embracing change and using it to build the adaptability, resiliency, creativity and ingenuity that turns problems into solutions.

Lesson Ten:  Perspective is everything.  What you focus on grows; your perspective is your reality.  Developing a perspective and honing the skills that can help us optimize strengths AND use changes, challenges, stressors, even failures to build IQ (intelligence, strategic thought, ability to learn-relearn faster)  EQ (self awareness, awareness of others, resiliency, social/communication skills)  SQ (values, integrity, purpose, leadership strengths-spiritual quotient) is CRITICAL.

More?  You Betcha!  The need to get re-inspired by what we CAN do is critical!  AND….a new course From Pain To Gain-Ten 21st Leadership Lessons is on its way.  Contact us to learn more.  Enrollment is limited! 

My Story:  Against All Odds

A Collection of Leadership and 3Q Leadership Posts

A Collection of Inspiring Posts

A Collection of Inspiring Quotes and Posters

A Collection of Inspiring, Heroic Women/Changemakers


Are you ready to go from Now to HOW?  Build Your 3Q Edge™? Get re-inspired?
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I welcome the opportunity to discuss how I can be of service to you/your team! 
Call: (416) 671-4726 | Email  Skype: beckerirene 

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  1. […] From Pain To Gain-Ten 21st Century Lessons Learned Leadership is a 3Q equation supported by courage.  Courage grows each time we align IQ (intelligence) EQ (humanity) SQ (integrity). […]

  2. The Individual and Organizational Imperative for 3Q Leadership – 3Q Leadership™ Blog says:

    […] Century Leadership Lessons and Skills |  From Pain To Gain: Ten 21st Century Leadership Lessons Learned ( […]

  3. […] Gusto and Integrity: 3 Qualities You Need to Succeed From Pain to Gain:  Ten 21st Century Leadership Lessons Learned Building the Thriving Organization The DNA of Business Success in Disruptive Times The Individual […]

  4. Irene Becker: Possibility Thinking, Doing and Results (Part I of 2) | The HR Gazette says:

    […] I have learned that what does not break you can only make you stronger if you recognize and optimize…  […]

  5. […] I have learned that what does not break you can only make you stronger if you recognize and optimize… What does this have to do with your life, your career, your people and your future?  If you are not feeling broken, someone you know, work for, lead or love is.  The World Health Organization forecasts that stress will be the major cause of physical disability in the world by 2030.  Empowerment, engagement and the ability to ideate, innovate, communicate and collaborate are the benchmarks of 21st Century success, and they are being undermined and eroded from inside out. Will you become a possibility thinker and doer?  It is an important choice you have the freedom and power to make.  It is as choice that should be top of mind for those who lead and those who aspire to greater leadership because leadership is about making the impossible possible.  Our ability to remove the barriers to our greatest potential is real, and the first step in moving forward is recognizing the incredible potential within; potential to think, feel, see and learn faster and better than before.  Potential to develop a fire in one’s belly, a longing and appreciation of embracing one’s passion for the possible and using it to lead forward. […]

  6. […] out my list of 3 minute 3Q tools/exercises you can do almost anywhere. Send me your comments.  My passion for championing our ability to build Q skills, to realize our ability to learn, re-learn,…e deterred because it is the heartbeat of my commitment to learn, share and contribute every day, in […]

  7. […] YOUR Greatest Potential NOW! Cheat Sheet of Practical, Powerful 3Q Tips Restore Your Roar From Pain to Gain:  Ten 21st Century Leadership Lessons Learned The Thriving Organization:  Ten Steps Out of Jurassic Park The DNA of Business Success in […]

  8. […] I believe in the power of human being better, not simply working harder than ever before because human potential and our ability to optimize it has personal and professional area of study, and has also been something reflected in the enormous challenges I have faced and overcome.  Challenges that helped me hone my courage, my commitment to the power of human being better. […]

  9. […] in disruptive times.  Ways that push you out of the comfort zone and also help you develop your 3Q Leadership Edge™ at the speed of change, in the face of challenges!  Great leadership starts with seeing the […]

  10. […]  SQ (courage, integrity, purpose-the intrinsic motivators and timeless anchors for sustainability) I believe in the power of human being better, not simply working harder than ever before because human potential and our ability to optimize it […]

  11. Leadership Compendium: Leading Forward In the Face of Complexity, Change or Crisis » Just Coach It-The 3Q Edge says:

    […] From Pain To GAIN:  Ten 21st Century Leadership Lessons Learned […]

  12. From Pain To Gain-Ten 21st Century Leadership L... says:

    […] If you are a trailblazer who wants to not simply optimize strengths but transform changes/challenges into a lever for your greatest ability; I hope this post will motivate you.If you are a leader who aspires to building an organization where purpose, engagement, innovation, communication, collaboration (the fire of human potential shines and grows); I hope this post will inspire you.  […]

  13. […] f you are a trailblazer who wants to not simply optimize strengths but transform changes/challenges into a lever for your greatest ability; I hope this post will motivate you.If you are a leader who aspires to building an organization where purpose, engagement, innovation, communication, collaboration (the fire of human potential shines and grows); I hope this post will inspire you.If you are working/living on over-drive, stuck in a rut/stasis or feeling lost; I hope this post will motivate you to look within and reclaim your power  […]

  14. […] From Pain To Gain-Ten Leadership Lessons Learned via @justcoachit  […]

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