Resolve To Evolve And Re-Define Winning

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Resolve To Evolve And Re-Define Winning
Building Success At The Speed Of Change/Challenges
(Including 12 bonus links/practical and inspiring tips!)

 © Irene Becker, Just Coach It-The 3Q Edge™  | (IQ-EQ-SQ) Reach-Resonance-Results
Building 3Q Skills That GROW At The Speed Of Change Is My Commitment To A Better Future
3Q Leadership™ Blog- 27,000+ Social Media Followers & Growing!  


Is one of your people stuck in a box/rut/overdrive or stasis? Are you stuck in a box/rut/overdrive or stasis because YOU want to find a new way, better way to generate results at a speed of change, challenges, hyper-competition and opportunity that is accelerating?

In the Box










You are not alone!  Statistics tell us that employee engagement and stress caused physical, emotional problems are at an all time high.  Is there an upside?  You betcha.  Resolve to evolve and re-define success. Starting building the Q skills that can take you/your people forward faster, better and happier by helping them optimize strengths while also using changes, challenges, stressors, even failures as a catalyst for their greatest potential.  (Happier?  Yes, neuroscience confirms that we need to prime our brains to be happy to optimize their potential. )


Resolve to Evolve

Do not get sidetracked by the symptoms of disengagement, frustration, stasis we face can take you off the beaten path, fighting symptoms rather than addressing the root cause of the problems you need to transform into effective solutions. Fighting the symptoms of what is not working may give you temporary satisfaction, but it will not help you ideate, communicate, collaborate and succeed forward.  The need to build a new mindset and skill set that helps us optimize talent and potential at the speed of change/challenges is real and critical!


Resolve to evolve.  Get the right people on your bus and help them to build essential skills, skills that grow at the speed of change and challenges by using strengths, changes, challenges, stressors and failures to build their 3Q Edge™:

Q1:  IQ Enhanced ideation, focus, strategic thought, ability to learn-relearn
EQ Self awareness, awareness of others, self management, relationship management, communication, resiliency, risk tolerance
SQ Purpose, values, integrity-the timeless anchors of true leadership, sustainability and the grit to forge ahead when the going gets tough!

Resolve to evolve. Take the automatic fear response out of change,  by focusing on the only thing that is sustainable and timeless…Q3  Reset the internal and organizational GPS focusing  on the purpose, integrity, values that are the only consistent, stable course of comfort and sustainability we have and will have.  Make purpose = profit your mantra, and the mantra of your organization.

Resolve to evolve. Stasis is a recipe for disaster, rigidity of thought, communication and action is a time bomb ready to explode and destroy your potential and the potential of your organization from inside out. Big organizations, SMEs, professional services providers, start-ups, entrepreneurs, solo-preneurs all face the critical imperative to re-examine and re-gig how they motivate, empower, optimize, recognize, optimize and realize talent and results.

Redefine Winning

WINNING means developing the business mindset and agility of a gazelle by developing face –face, virtual and digital teams that respond (not react) to changes and challenges in ways that nurture and drive innovative, collaborative solutions.

WINNING means building a Me To WE culture where traditional silos are disbanded and replaced with better ways that drive vertical and horizontal communication, engagement and results by recognizing and enabling communities of purpose/new ways of communicating and collaborating that take you and your people forward!

WINNING means replacing theory with practice and collaborative action because neurons that wire together, fire together and our ability to ideate, innovate, collaborate, communicate faster, better and happier is real and critical.

Most of all…

Winning means having the courage to recognize the pain we share and using to to transform pain into gain by using problems to generate the fire of human potential. Start using problems to drive  innovative solutions that take us forward individually and collectively. The problems that unite us in a new non-linear eco system, a new world and workplace where changes, challenges, stressors, complexity and opportunity will continue to accelerate faster than ever before are as great as our potential to USE them to LEARN-RELEARN, COMMUNICATE, COLLABORATE and SUCCEED Forward.

Resolving to evolve  means realizing your ability to ignite, engage and stoke the fire of human potential, because nothing could be more important!  Get the right people on your bus, and work with them to optimize, humanize, monetize in ways that take you forward. REACH Forward and the future will REACH back to YOU!  Is it time to build your Q strengths? Are you ready to use what is to create what can be?  Carpe Diem!


More On 3Q Leadership, Talent Optimization and Success At The Speed Of Change?  YOU Betcha!

3Q Leadership Benefits And Why I Have Dedicated My Life To This Work
From Pain To Gain:  Ten 21st Century Leadership Lessons Learned
Building Essential Success Skills That GROW At The Speed Of Change/Challenges
The Purpose Equation:  Intrinsic Motivation
From No To Go:  Success At The Speed Of Change
Evolve Or Devolve? Manage Performance OR Optimize It?
Organizational Development: The Thriving Organization>>Ten Power Steps Forward
The Fire Of Human Potential:  Developing a Purposeful Life and Career
The Individual and Organizational Imperative for 3Q Leadership
Women and Leadership:  Ten Critical Steps Forward for Women And Men
Disrupt the Status Quo:  Making The Critical Step Forward
Ten Ways To Build Employee Engagement



Author Bio:  Irene BeckerIrene Headshot
Executive Coach, Consultant, Trainer, Speaker and Writer, Irene is a trailblazer whose unique 3Q Edge™ model has helped forward-thinking people and organizations in Canada, USA and Europe develop communication, leadership and career skills that GROW at the speed of change and challenges.  First female CEO of a steel company in Canada, Irene has a track record of accomplishments in business and in the community at large.

Passionate about the integrity of her work, Irene goes the distance for her clients face to face, by telephone, Skype or video conferencing


Are you ready to go from Now to HOW? Time to get re-inspired?
Build 3Q Skills That GROW At The Speed Of Change/Challenges?
Irene Becker |  Just Coach It -The 3Q Edge™ (IQ-EQ-SQ)
Coaching-Consulting-Training and Keynotes with a 3Q Edge™
I welcome the opportunity to discuss how I can be of service to you/your team! 
Call: (416) 671-4726 | Email  Skype: beckerirene



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  1. […] Dedicated My Life to This Work The Power Of YOUR Story Great Leadership-The Call To Lead Greatly Resolve To Evolve: Re-Define Winning Five Ways To Champion The Challenge The Individual and Organizational Imperative for 3Q Leadership […]

  2. […] to optimize your talent or allow it to limit or crush your potential? Only you can decide, but the imperative to EVOLVE or DEVOLVE is real .  Evolving means taking a stretch out of your comfort zone, but it may very well be the most […]

  3. […] Are you ready to optimize your talent, your purpose, your potential by looking at the challenges and opportunities you face with new eyes? Eyes that take you forward faster and better.  Eyes that help you optimize your potential and the potential of others?  Will you remain entrenched in ways of thinking, doing and communicating that may have worked well in the past, but will not take you forward?  […]

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