Getting Unstuck: Empathy, Success and Living Well

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Getting unstuck means realizing that living well in a world of unreason is a commitment we must make to ourselves every day.

Irene Becker, Just Coach It-The 3Q Edge™ (IQ-EQ-SQ)
3Q Leadership™ Blog- 50,000+ Social Media Followers & Growing!

We cannot lead, communicate and succeed well; we cannot take footsteps that  build a sustainable future without getting unstuck. Developing empathy for ourselves and others, while strengthening our resolve to live, lead and communicate to purpose is essential for our individual and collective survival. The economic, social and organizational argument for building empathy is addressed in a brilliant read, Born to Love:  Why Empathy Is Essential And Endangered by Maia Szalavitz and Bruce D. Perry, PH.d, M.D. 


Living Well

At a time when our access to knowledge, information and technology are unsurpassed in human history; and our standard of living is higher than ever before, few of us are truly living well. The World Health Organization forecasts that depression will be one of the most common problems by 2020. It is easy to be distracted by the growing demands of a life and career that charge forward and push us in ways we never expected.  It is easy to lose our footing, by forgetting what really counts.  Sadly, it is also facile to lose the human connection as we live and work in an exceedingly virtual world.  Human doing is not enough. When we forget to focus on human being better, we get stuck on a course of action that will undermine our greatest potential; potential to contribute, potential to make a positive difference, potential to find meaning and fulfillment in our lives and work.


Crazy ProfThe march of unreason has infiltrated our popular entertainment, music, and our lives. Too many of us ingest a regular diet of violence, discord, anger, fear that is cloaked in the guise of entertainment.  Living well is something that starts with personal transformation, with the realization that what matters most is not what happens to us, but what we choose to do with it.  The most difficult of circumstances or experiences can be transcended when we refuse to be a victim of what was, and start taking back our power to create and re-create what can be by striving to find our best self, our noblest thoughts, emotions and actions.



The secret to success is timeless. Create value for others, and you shall prosper and attain happiness.  Love yourself more, and you will feel greater tolerance and love for your fellow human beings. Build a fence around yourself that protects you from the greed and ego of those who are not able to share and seek only to take, because  sharing their company will not help you live well or create sustainable prosperity.

Every day presents us with a new opportunity to get unstuck, to remove the shackles that keep us bound to living and working on a collision course that is outstripping our energy, passion, purpose and potential.  Every day presents us with challenges that can be used help us build greater empathy for ourselves and others.   Take the free 3Q Life and Career Self Quiz!

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Anything else?  YES.  Our new website and blog  with expanded collaborators, programs and services for individuals, organizations and emerging leaders debuts end March!   Stay Tuned!
 Are you ready to find a new way, a better and faster way to build strong leadership, communication influence and career success at the speed of change/challenges? We are here to help!

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Irene Becker | Just Coach It-The 3Q Edge™ | (IQ-EQ-SQ)
Face to Face, By Telephone, Skype or Video Conferencing
Programs, Services and Keynotes for a Better, Stronger Tomorrow
Leadership, Communication Influence, Career Transition/Optimization in Disruptive Times


2 replies
  1. Heather Ashton PMP
    Heather Ashton PMP says:

    Committing to serving others while leading forward sounds difficult. 3Q’s redirect one’s focus to find the energy from within and make this happen. Links to this post were added to my work Leadership Team discussion board.

    • Irene Becker
      Irene Becker says:

      Thanks for your feedback Heather. I am delighted you enjoyed the post and shared it on your Leadership Team discussion board! I think you will enjoy the new site and revamped blog which will debut soon with more free content and new courses and services.

      Passionate about 3Q! Thanks again for your feedback and sharing the article at work!

      Best, Irene


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