The Secret to Personal Development and Growth

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The Secret to Personal Development and Growth
Personal Development-Self Awareness-Growth Tips & Tools ( 1 Post and 13 Great Links)

© Irene Becker | | 3Q Leadership™ Blog – Reach-Resonance-Results
Helping smart people and organizations communicate and lead forward smarter, faster and happier is what I do best

We all start our day with the best of intentions and yet our days can end up with conflict, chaos and strife that leave us feeling angry, disappointed or frustrated.  How can we use our creative energy, our personal power to really live with happiness?  How can we move forward and start and finish a day with a sense of purpose, passion and satisfaction? How can we to the root, the heart of personal development and growth?

The secret to personal development means getting to the heart of the solution by addressing the root of the problem and not the effect. It is all about getting real with our own personal truth.  So often we are faced with a dilemma and we grasp at anything that we can see as the solution and then build assumptions around the problem to justify our solution.  Moving forward and creating self talk or mental models around a problem to justify what we have determined to be a cause is the wrong way to go because it does not speak to our personal truth or power. We need to embrace our truth by getting to the root of the problem.

Happiness is not the root of anything. Anger is not the root of anything either; they are both effects.  We must  acknowledge that the root of all human emotion is one of two things:  love or fear.  When you are happy it is because you feel love.  When you have negative emotions the root of them is always fear.  The only way to conquer fear is to apply love.  Start by looking at your problems with love, with recognizing that in each problem there is the effect and the root.

In each dilemma there is a source of fear that can be addressed and a path to love that can be realized. Finding new ways, better ways to get naked with our truth, move through and past our fears is critical.  We do not need to fight the fear, rather we need to get to the bottom of the fear that holds us back for optimizing our best self.  Doing so requires courage, and it also means developing greater self awareness and self love.


More on Personal Development, Self Awareness and Growth?  YOU Betcha!
Turn Negativity Around: 3 Simple, Practical, Powerful Ways to Reset the Internal GPS
From Victim to Victor
The Empowerment Compendium
Life and Career Audit/Self Test
Five Ways to Take Control of Your Potential
Five Ways to Lead Forward by Championing the Challenge
Five Ways to Commmunicate and Lead Forward
Self Talk-7 Powerful Tips
Ten Steps to a Happier More Successful You
The Happiness Compendium
Two Minute Tune Up for Under and Over Achievers
Constructive Discontent-Building a Critical Life and Leadership Skill
The Pause-A Simple, Powerful, Transformative 3 Minute Exercise



Is it time to REACH- Redirect-empower-actualize-communicate and harvest YOUR potential to lead forward? Get Executive Coaching, Training that Sticks? Enjoy an insightful and inspiring keynote? Just Coach It for reach, resonance, results. Executive Coaching, Consulting, Keynotes and Workshops with as 3Q Edge™

Irene Becker, Chief Success Officer, Just Coach ItThe 3Q Edge™| Reach-Resonance-Results
Toronto and Virtually Everywhere | Face-Face, By Tel, Skype or Video Conferencing Tel: 1-416-671-4726 Email: irene@justcoachitcom Twitter @justcoachit Skype: beckerirene
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20 replies
  1. Stella Mary
    Stella Mary says:

    Great to read the post as it encourages one to focus on what they want to conquer, maybe fear or the love. Thank you for letting us know that, controlling the emotions is also personality development. The list added in this post is wonderful to read through. Thanks again for sharing.

    • Irene Becker
      Irene Becker says:

      Hi Stella: Thanks for your great feedback. So delighted that you enjoyed the post. Our ability to not simply conquer but transform obstacles into levers for our greatest power and purpose is titanic!



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  11. […] We all start our day with the best of intentions and yet our days can end up with conflict, chaos and strife that leave us feeling angry, disappointed or frustrated. How can we use our creative energy, our personal power to really live with happiness? How can we move forward and start and finish a day with a sense of purpose, passion and satisfaction? How can we to the root, the heart of personal development and growth?The secret to personal development means getting to the heart of the solution by addressing the root of the problem and not the effect. It is all about getting real with our own personal truth. So often we are faced with a dilemma and we grasp at anything that we can see as the solution and then build assumptions around the problem to justify our solution. Moving forward and creating self talk or mental models around a problem to justify what we have determined to be a cause is the wrong way to go because it does not speak to our personal truth or power. We need to embrace our truth by getting to the root of the problem. Happiness is not the root of anything. Anger is not the root of anything either; they are both effects. We must acknowledge that the root of all human emotion is one of two things: love or fear. When you are happy it is because you feel love. When you have negative emotions the root of them is always fear. The only way to conquer fear is to apply love. Start by looking at your problems with love, with recognizing that in each problem there is the effect and the root.In each dilemma there is a source of fear that can be addressed and a path to love that can be realized.  […]

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