Turn Negativity Around: 3 Simple-Practical-Powerful Ways To Reset The Internal GPS

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Turn Negativity Around: 3 Simple-Practical-Powerful Ways To Reset The Internal GPS (Including 13 Bonus Links)

© Irene Becker, Just Coach It-The 3Q Edge™  | (IQ-EQ-SQ) Reach-Resonance-Results
3Q Leadership™ Blog- 26,000+ Social Media Followers & Growing!  


Three Powerful, Practical Ways To Do A Human ResetThe mindset that took us forward in the past, will not lead us forward.  We are living in a whole new world, a brave new world where the best and brightest among us are pioneers facing a new frontier of unprecedented change, challenges, complexity and opportunity.  Best practices must be practices in the no, Skills  development must focus on whole brain thinking, enhancing our ability to learn and relearn, building critical human strengths that drive all 3Qs  ideation-empathy-purpose/values.

Is it time to get out of the box?  Turn negativity around?  Become energized, empowered and solution focused?  Here Are Three Simple, Practical And Powerful Ways To Reset The Internal GPS!

1. Delete:  Delete an  energy stealer or inertia builder that is undermining your ability to transform challenges into solutions. Start right now by deleting one negative thought  that is not taking you forward.

2. Reboot: Stop the blame game,  let go of who did what, of who has what.  Reboot a better perspective by letting go of one thought that is causing you more pain than gain.  Let go, reboot and refocus on  a positive goal and intention that takes you forward.

3. Upload:  Take 2 minutes a day three times a day to be positive, to let go of any negative thoughts and beliefs.  Here is a simple but powerful exercise you can do almost anywhere.  An exercise that will help you build greater mindfulness, enhanced focus, improved resilience, ideation.  Schedule your day with blank time, time between meetings, time between commitments where you can simply recharge.  Science has documented the powerful benefits of blank time to cognition, health.

Negativity is a box that traps our potential; escaping the negativity box is critical.  The imperative to be relentlessly solution focused is written on the walls of our lives, organizations and society.  Negativity traps us in pattern of thinking and feeling that can keep us stuck in ways we cannot even begin to imagine. We inherit negative beliefs, we are taught negative beliefs, we create negative beliefs, and sometimes we just pick up negative beliefs from the good opinion of others or the plethora of fear based negative news that surrounds us. Mirror neurons transmit our negative feelings to others and their feelings to us.  We get stuck in a negative mindset which appeals to our reptilian brain, our most primal instincts, and clouds our ability to see opportunities, develop solutions and build an important bridge between what is and what can be.

Science now tells us that our brains are set to automatic negative; a default pattern from our days fighting predators in the cave.  A default pattern we need to reset, as it will not take us forward. Negativity that puts a lid on our greatest potential and erodes our sense of happiness and well-being. Negativity is an emotional virus that traps our potential, erodes our communication and collaboration, destroys our relationships and impacts our ability to find opportunities and solutions.

The imperative to reset the individual and organizational GPS is critical. Start now by taking three simple steps that can help you escape the negativity box.  Delete-Reboot-Upload!


More on resetting the individual and organizational GPS?  YOU Betcha!  
Here are 13 bonus links on 3Q Personal, Leadership and Organizational Development:

Personal Development
The Empowerment Compendium
The Secret to Personal Development and Growth
From Victim to Victor
Disrupt the Status Quo:  Using Strengths and Challenges to R-E-A-C-H and lead forward!

Leadership Development
Women and Leadership:  Ten Critical Steps Forward for Women and Men
The Leadership Compendium | Leading Forward in the Face of Complexity and Change
Winning the Race With Five Hungry Wolves-Ten Steps
The New Leader

Organizational Development
The Thriving Organization-10 Powerful Steps Out of Jurassic Park
The Individual and Organizational Imperative for 3Q Leadership Development
From Now to How:  Building Social, Virtual and Cross Generational Leadership
Winning the New War 

And… The Pause:  A 2 minute way to recharge, refocus and repurpose


More on 3Q Personal Development, Leadership Development and Organizational Development? You betcha.  I go the distance for my clients face to face, by tel, skype and video conf.

Irene Headshot
19 replies
  1. Tagrid Sihly
    Tagrid Sihly says:

    What a timely post! I really need this right now. Great advice, Irene. First of all, I had no idea that our brains are set to automatic negative by default. That must be why I’m feeling depressed most of the time. I especially like your “upload” step. It’s true that we are so busy everyday that we go from one task to another and we overlook that fact that we need a few moments between tasks to charge up again. Or just to think and reflect. I will really work on using your Delete-Reboot-Upload strategy.

    • Irene Becker
      Irene Becker says:

      Thank you so much for your great comments and feedback, Tagrid! SO appreciated.

      I agree knowing that our brains, all our brains are set to automatic negative is powerful! So is realizing that we can reset the internal GPS. Bonus is that every time we do a reset we are also enhancing our power to learn and relearn; we are building mental agility! I am passionate about tools and strategies that are effective and simple. So glad you liked Delete-Reboot-Upload! There is also a good self assessment of career and life on the blog, that you might find useful. If you do not find in in the search bar, just email me irene@justcoachit.com.Best

      Best, Irene

  2. Linda Samuels
    Linda Samuels says:

    Great techniques, Irene to let negativity go so that the “good stuff” can flourish. Becoming conscious of negative thoughts and energy drainers is a first step. Combining awareness with your tips…a winning combo! Thank you for sharing.

    • Irene Becker
      Irene Becker says:

      Hi Linda: Thanks so much for your great feedback and comments! I believe that the realization that our brains (all our brains) are automatically set to negative no matter how optimistic we are is powerful. Our ability to reset the internal GPS, is critical and YOU are so right it starts with being conscious of negative thoughts and energy drainers.

      Delighted you enjoyed the post! Please share it. The individual and organizational imperative to become solution focused is critical.

      Best! Irene

      • Linda Samuels
        Linda Samuels says:

        It IS interesting that our brains are automatically set to negative. As you said, learning to “reset” to the positive is critical. Focusing on solutions rather than blame is one of the leadership hallmarks. It keeps us moving in the right direction of growth and positive energy.


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