The Happiness Compendium

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The Happiness Compendium | One Post & 12 Happy Links

Helping smart people and organizations communicate and lead forward smarter, faster and happier is what I do best   

© Irene Becker | | 3Q Leadership™ Blog

Here are the facts you need to know: The World Health Organizations forecasts that stress will be the major cause of disability in the world by 2020 Science confirms that optimization of our intellectual potential, health and wellness start with priming our brain to be happy. Learning to get happier, taking time to have happy moments during the day, is critical to your health, your wellness, your potential, your work…your life.

Emotional Gridlock or Happiness-Choose Wisely

Time wasted, tempers flaring, tempus fugit. Traffic jam. Gridlock.  We all know what that means…traffic has comes to a complete standstill.
Frustrated drivers and passengers sit on the road in their vehicles, unable to move forward or backward.  Sometimes they can see reason for the gridlock, often they cannot.  Standstill.  Imposed inertia.  What does gridlock have to do with happiness?  Nothing and everything.  Read on and find out.

Happiness is deceptively simply to achieve, and at the same time incredibly difficult to sustain because it requires us to transform the way we think, to get rid of beliefs that no longer serve us, to move past gridlock. Happiness is about self imposed energy and positive movement.  Emotional gridlock is all about self imposed inertia.  Finding happiness is about embracing gratitude and reclaiming our power to move forward with the commitment to appreciate each moment more than the last.  Gridlock is about being forced to stand still, to remain motionless, frustrated and held back.

While physical gridlock will pass, emotional gridlock is a silent killer.  It is an invisible demon that slowly creeps crawls into our life and destroys our ability to be happy.  It starts when we lose touch with who we are and what we want, it grows when we spend our days and nights dancing to another man’s drummer.  At its best, emotional gridlock will sap our creativity and innovation.  At its worst, it will suck up every ounce of happiness we have, insidiously, invisibly, consistently until inertia touches every aspect of our lives.

Moving past gridlock means having the tenacity and clarity to see past the blocks in the road, the personal traffic jams that we all face. 
It means making a life decision to let go of all the negative emotions and limiting beliefs that block our creativity, our energy, and our joie de vivre.  It means replacing road rage with faith, frustration with certainty, doubt with confidence and inertia with a passion to reclaim our dreams and our life.

Moving past emotional gridlock is a war, a battle that we each face every moment, every day, in every way. 
We can choose to be valiant warriors of joy and recognize that the greatest gridlock we face is not from other people, not from other cars, not from oncoming traffic, not from our work, our neighbors, our children, our colleagues, but from ourselves, from the fears that hold us back from being and doing all that we can be.  Get ready for battle, get ready to win. Make a list of the beliefs and thoughts that keep you in gridlock and start to throw them away with the courage that can set you free.

More on Happiness?  YOU Betcha

Too Busy to Get Happy? Think Again. 4 Ways to Kickstart Happiness 

 Ten Steps to a Happier More Successful You

 Happiness 101

 Get Happier Tip Sheet

 True Power True Happiness

Get Back On Track When You Have Hit a Wall

The Quality of Your Work and Life Self Test

Are Your Ears Open?

Rediscover Your Genius

Step Up

Constructive Discontent

The Pause


Is it time to REACH- Redirect-empower-actualize-communicate and harvest YOUR potential to lead forward? Get Executive Coaching, Training that Sticks? Enjoy an insightful and inspiring keynote?   Just Coach It. Helping smart people and organizations lead and communicate forward smarter, faster and happier is what my work is all about.
Discover Executive Coaching, Consulting, Keynotes and Workshops with as 3Q Edge™

Irene Becker, Chief Success Officer, Just Coach It-The 3Q Edge™ Toronto and Virtually Everywhere | Face-Face, By Tel, Skype or Video Conferencing Twitter @justcoachit  Skype: beckerirene  Tel: 1-416-671-4726 Email:  irene@justcoachitcom




17 replies
  1. Mark Anderson
    Mark Anderson says:

    Fabulous share, Irene! Thank you. I was a former marketing manager for a major healthcare organization in Minneapolis. The CEO firmly claims that stress is often the root of all sickness and disease. When I experience horrific traffic, it is calming to turn off the radio and say to myself the Serenity Prayer several times. The silence is truly impactful in a positive way.

    Making a gratitude list is key as well!

    Be well,

    • Irene Becker
      Irene Becker says:

      Mark: Thanks so much for your comments. I am SO glad you appreciated the post and the importance of finding NEW ways, better ways to not transform the stressors we face by developing not only a different relationship with stress/change but optimizing with I call the 3Qs. Silence is so important, as is reflection! And, you are so correct about making a gratitude list, especially key as we are all faced with inherent negativity in our respective environments due to the times in which we live. There is also an exercise I call The Pause. Anyone can learn to do it, and I firmly believe in its benefits!

      Thanks again Mark. I hope that you will browse and enjoy other posts on the blog.

      Best! Irene

  2. Linda Samuels
    Linda Samuels says:

    This is a wonderful post, Irene. There are opportunities for finding joy and happiness in the small things often overlooked. Gratitude plays a big role. Allowing ourselves to stop long enough to appreciate a moment, a good deed, a beautiful sound, scent, or scene can add tremendously to our sense of grounding and well-being. Perhaps the two most essential sources to happiness are strengthening our relationships and doing meaningful work.


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  6. How to inspire and enable your potential | The HR Gazette says:

    […] Find personal ways, strategies to inspire yourself because doing so is critical to the optimization …Neuroscience now confirms that we must prime our brains to be happy in order to fully optimize our cognitive capabilities.  Finding ways to be and get happier is not only critical to cognition, and to modelling positivity for others it is important for your health and longevity. […]

  7. […] STEP 6. Get happier and more fulfilled by taking your ego out of the equation and getting rid of toxic inputs, environments and people.  By ego, I mean that sense of having to be validated by external things and people. Servant leaders serve the greatest good, and leave footprints that will be followed by others are not driven by ego, but by greatest good. If you are a servant leader, lead forward by finding new ways to inspire and engage the best in others.  If you are not a servant leader, find a leader whose work resonates with your heart and fill your thoughts with the thoughts of an actual or historical leader whose words speak to your highest power and greatest good.  Start focusing on the words of people whose highest values and words resonate with your truest purpose, your highest values.  Focus forward, and you will start to discover and get rid of toxicity in your thoughts, environment and relationships. Brain science now tells us that we have to prime our brains to be happy in order to optimize our p… […]

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  9. […] The Happiness Compendium What Brain Science Tells Us, Guest Post for Jesse Lyn Stoner, Seapoint Center Too Busy to Get Happy? Think Again. 4 Ways to Kickstart Happiness True Happiness-Transformational Joy Ten Steps to a Happier YOU Get Energized, Empowered & Solution Focused-Three Steps The Empowerment Compendium A Collection of 75 Inspiring Posts, Podcasts and Videos A Collection of  2000+ Inspiring Quotes and Posters […]

  10. […] Start your day the right way. Prime yourself to be happier. Science confirms we must prime our brains to be happy in order to optimize our brain power, health and longevity […]

  11. […] Start your day the right way. Prime yourself to be happier.  Science confirms we must prime our brains to be happy in order to optimize our brain power, health and longevity […]

  12. […] Emotional Gridlock or Happiness-Choose Wisely Time wasted, tempers flaring, tempus fugit. Traffic jam. Gridlock. We all know what that means…traffic has comes to a complete standstill. Frustrated drivers and passengers sit on the road in their vehicles, unable to move forward or backward. Sometimes they can see reason for the gridlock, often they cannot. Standstill. Imposed inertia. What does gridlock have to do with happiness? Nothing and everything. Read on and find out.Happiness is deceptively simply to achieve, and at the same time incredibly difficult to sustain because it requires us to transform the way we think, to get rid of beliefs that no longer serve us, to move past gridlock. Happiness is about self imposed energy and positive movement. Emotional gridlock is all about self imposed inertia. Finding happiness is about embracing gratitude and reclaiming our power to move forward with the commitment to appreciate each moment more than the last. Gridlock is about being forced to stand still, to remain motionless, frustrated and held back.While physical gridlock will pass, emotional gridlock is a silent killer. It is an invisible demon that slowly creeps crawls into our life and destroys our ability to be happy. It starts when we lose touch with who we are and what we want, it grows when we spend our days and nights dancing to another man’s drummer. At its best, emotional gridlock will sap our creativity and innovation. At its worst, it will suck up every ounce of happiness we have, insidiously, invisibly, consistently until inertia touches every aspect of our lives. Moving past gridlock means having the tenacity and clarity to see past the blocks in the road, the personal traffic jams that we all face. It means making a life decision to let go of all the negative emotions and limiting beliefs that block our creativity, our energy, and our joie de vivre. It means replacing road rage with faith, frustration with certainty, doubt with confidence and inertia with a passion to reclaim our dreams and our life. Moving past emotional gridlock is a war, a battle that we each face every moment, every day, in every way. We can choose to be valiant warriors of joy and recognize that the greatest gridlock we face is not from other people, not from other cars, not from oncoming traffic, not from our work, our neighbors, our children, our colleagues, but from ourselves, from the fears that hold us back from being and doing all that we can be. Get ready for battle, get ready to win. Make a list of the beliefs and thoughts that keep you in gridlock and start to throw them away with the courage that can set you free.  […]

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