The Secret to Success>>Failing Forward-Mastering A Critical Life & Leadership Skill

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The Secret to Success>> Failing Forward
5  Ways to Master a Critical Life & Leadership Skill

Irene Becker | | 3Q Leadership™ Blog
Helping smart people and organizations communicate and lead forward
smarter, faster and happier is what I do bes


1.  Understand Why Failing Forward is Critical to 21st Century Life and Leadership

If YOU want to succeed you need to learn how to fail forward; and of equal importance you must model and incorporate this skill in the culture of your organization. Whether your objective is building a successful small business, professional practice, team or enterprise that art of failing forward is more than the art of the start, it is the art that will drive sustainability, the art that will teach empowerment, engagement and resiliency>>>Learning to Fail Forward it is the linchpin for 21st Century Life and Leadership.

2.  Recognize Your True Power & Use It
Failure brings us face of face with our true power and purpose; OR it leads us down a dark path of ignoring, denying or running away from that which could help us lead forward by optimizing our potential and the potential of others.


3.  Take Your Ego Out of the Equation-It is Energy Going Out (In the Wrong Way)
Our greatest fear is not that we will fail or succeed.  Rather, it is the fear that something will touch that human chord that tells us that we are not good enough, that we are lesser than we can be.  It is the pain of invalidation, the pain of feeling that we are not worthy of success.  Ego, as defined for the purposes of this article as the need to seek validation from external sources is

Most healthy, human beings fear invalidation.  It is the most one of the most difficult and gut wrenching parts of our human journey. Some people run and hide from the pain of invalidation by trying to command, control and dominate.  Others become the commanded, controlled and dominated.  And then, there are those who just stay safe and avoid the prospect of invalidation by doing a good job but never engage their full potential.

For all the differences between us, our desire to survive and to contribute, to feel purposeful are real.  When fear enters our minds, all human beings automatically go into a fight of flight response.  The caveat is that learning to circumvent this fight or flight response is the coachable moment, it can be coached, we can retrain our brains and reset default mechanisms/behaviours so  that those who lead and those who aspire to greater leadership can change the way they deal with challenges, crises in a way that optimizes their potential.


4.  Do Something Counter-Intuitive>See Failure With New Eyes-Build Constructive Discontent and Optimize Potential by Using Problems as a Positive Catalyst for Solutions
There is a power in failure that has nothing to do with the act of failure and everything to do with our ability to re-engage the moral courage that it takes to develop our greatest ability and our greatest hope; our ability to use the very challenges we face, to transform the gaps, the problems with different eyes, eyes that guide us to new solutions and ways of communicating that drive engagement, empowerment and positive results.

I believe that the ability to fail forward, the power to use our mistakes, our challenges and even the crucibles to live better, lead better, communicate better and succeed better is critical to our individual and collective successAnd, it  means building what I call constructive discontent.  What is constructive discontent? Psychologists would describe constructive discontent as the ability to stay grounded during an argument or conflict. But, to me it is much more.  I call constructive discontent our ability to feel an emotion that is not comfortable and still continue forward by not losing the ability to tap into our potential and also remain focused on our objectives.  It is an ability that once developed is a formidable tool in human relations and leadership, and it is also a pivotal skill that we can use in learning to accept our weaknesses and use our failures to build and grow our power rather than eroding the potential, imagination and purpose we need to build a better life and a better career.


5.  Move Forward. Get Coached>Master the Art of Failing Forward and Make a Powerful Cultural Change in Your Organization, Your Business, Your Professional Practice and YOUR Life
The power, the freedom and the breakthrough results realized by learning to use failures as catalysts for personal growth, achievement, empowerment and success by learning to build constructive discontent cannot be minimized.  The velocity of change, challenges and opportunities we face will continue to surpass anything we have experienced.  Best practices can become stale or useless in the face of change, what worked in the past can become largely irrelevant; however, the ability to see problems, challenges differently is the new linchpin for leadership, success and well-being in the age of innovation and change.

What Can WE Accomplish By Failing Forward?
Guest Post, Seapoint Center>  Rising to the Challenge Before Us-Leading Forward

How did I become an expert in Failing Forward?

Extraordinary Women Interview-Leading in the Face of Challenges

My Story-Against All Odds

About Irene Becker, Executive Coach, Consultant, Speaker, Writer
Chief Success Officer, Just Coach It -The 3Q Edge™

First woman CEO of a steel company in Canada, Irene Becker has a track record of trailblazing accomplishments in business and in the community at large. An insightful and inspiring executive coach, mentor, speaker and writer, Irene helps clients achieve breakthrough results in their communication, leadership and lives. Passionate about the integrity of her work and its ability to help change-makers LEAD change, Irene helps smart people and organizations develop 3Q Leadership™ and effective verbal, written and social communication that builds reach, resonance and results. Irene welcomes your emails at and tweets at @justcoachit  

28 replies
  1. Japhet Simon
    Japhet Simon says:


    Just read your blog on Failing Forward, now I understand the analogy and main ingredients to sustained success both in business and day-to-day lives. We need to fail to succeed.

    Thanks for shearing


  2. Mark Zorro
    Mark Zorro says:

    If I tried to write about this a thousand times I would not get close to how you have hit the mark on the fear of failure and validation etc, as you have done here.

    When it comes to failing forward the noticing is the energy. The first step therefore is to notice and then the second step is to move the energy forward.

    I always find the phobia list interesting From this I can place a technical name for fear of failure, which is listed as “atychiphobia”.

    Seen as atychiphobia – I can utilize my immense imagination and look at this as “A Titchy Phobia” – this is not to diminish what phobia’s mean to people but to contract or scale down the size of the fear.

    Fear enlarges itself unless we can put it into another perspective – cut it into manageable pieces. Once I can manage it psychologically, I can evaporate it with reason.

    Yet failing forward says to me that there is a reason we have emotions such as fear, and this energy is asking us to do something, rather than just extinguish or try to escape the fear. So that is the value of what I read here, transform fear into energy and transmute energy into life.



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  1. […] Hone your ability to fail forward. Embrace this critical skill and model it for others because our greatest solutions are often the result of our greatest challenges. […]

  2. […] Business & Results | 3Q Edge and R-E-A-C-H Leadership Means Building A Community of Purpose Failing Forward-A Critical Leadership and Management Competency 18 Word Success Formula The Secret to Personal Development The Pause-A 3 minute way to put your […]

  3. […] It cannot be found in what you acquire; it is a by product of what you believe not simply what you a…  It is your ability to walk, talk and act in alignment with your highest power; the greatest good that is your ultimate goal and greatest triumph.  Purpose = profit on a multiplicity of levels from our own personal wellbeing to the survival of organizations and our society as a whole.  Need, greed and ego have destroyed every life, fiefdom and empire in recorded time.  History teaches us, life also teaches us that the only security we have is in taking the road less travelled, the road that will help us optimize our ability to realize our true purpose to live, learn and contribute. […]

  4. […] Turn failure, challenges and stressors around by making everything a learning and growing experience…Change your headspace, think counter-intuitively because success is often born of failure or […]

  5. […] Victors choose the hard road, the path of personal power and positive change.  They chose to take …  A road of life by design,  a path that reflects their values and their vision.  Victims choose the easier path and in so doing become prisoners of a life spent by default.  Victors live life with passion and purpose, victims just spend their life on autopilot, on a journey of default in which they dance to another man’s drummer and never find their true path.  Victims and victors come in all sizes, shapes, economic and social classes.  If you look closely you will see them in every station of life.  If you look closely, you will see that both under-achievers and over-achievers are victims of the same wound.  They both seek validation, in different ways.  But, the only true validation we have comes from inside out.  It is the validation and internal power we feel and live when we engage our truest faith, hope, courage, integrity and humanity.  It is the empowerment we feel when we recognize that we each have an important role to play, no matter how large or small in a greater purpose.  […]

  6. […] The Secret to Success>>Failing Forward-Mastering A Critical Life & Leadership Skill  […]

  7. […] 1. Understand Why Failing Forward is Critical to 21st Century Life and LeadershipIf YOU want to succeed you need to learn how to fail forward; and of equal importance you must model and incorporate this skill in the culture of your organization. Whether your objective is building a successful small business, professional practice, team or enterprise that art of failing forward is more than the art of the start, it is the art that will drive sustainability, the art that will teach empowerment, engagement and resiliency>>>Learning to Fail Forward it is the linchpin for 21st Century Life and Leadership.2. Recognize Your True Power & Use ItFailure brings us face of face with our true power and purpose; OR it leads us down a dark path of ignoring, denying or running away from that which could help us lead forward by optimizing our potential and the potential of others. 3. Take Your Ego Out of the Equation-It is Energy Going Out (In the Wrong Way)Our greatest fear is not that we will fail or succeed. Rather, it is the fear that something will touch that human chord that tells us that we are not good enough, that we are lesser than we can be. It is the pain of invalidation, the pain of feeling that we are not worthy of success. Ego, as defined for the purposes of this article as the need to seek validation from external sources isMost healthy, human beings fear invalidation. It is the most one of the most difficult and gut wrenching parts of our human journey. Some people run and hide from the pain of invalidation by trying to command, control and dominate. Others become the commanded, controlled and dominated. And then, there are those who just stay safe and avoid the prospect of invalidation by doing a good job but never engage their full potential.For all the differences between us, our desire to survive and to contribute, to feel purposeful are real. When fear enters our minds, all human beings automatically go into a fight of flight response. The caveat is that learning to circumvent this fight or flight response is the coachable moment, it can be coached, we can retrain our brains and reset default mechanisms/behaviours so that those who lead and those who aspire to greater leadership can change the way they deal with challenges, crises in a way that optimizes their potential. 4. Do Something Counter-Intuitive>See Failure With New Eyes-Build Constructive Discontent and Optimize Potential by Using Problems as a Positive Catalyst for SolutionsThere is a power in failure that has nothing to do with the act of failure and everything to do with our ability to re-engage the moral courage that it takes to develop our greatest ability and our greatest hope; our ability to use the very challenges we face, to transform the gaps, the problems with different eyes, eyes that guide us to new solutions and ways of communicating that drive engagement, empowerment and positive results.I believe that the ability to fail forward, the power to use our mistakes, our challenges and even the crucibles to live better, lead better, communicate better and succeed better is critical to our individual and collective success. And, it means building what I call constructive discontent. What is constructive discontent? Psychologists would describe constructive discontent as the ability to stay grounded during an argument or conflict. But, to me it is much more. I call constructive discontent our ability to feel an emotion that is not comfortable and still continue forward by not losing the ability to tap into our potential and also remain focused on our objectives. It is an ability that once developed is a formidable tool in human relations and leadership, and it is also a pivotal skill that we can use in learning to accept our weaknesses and use our failures to build and grow our power rather than eroding the potential, imagination and purpose we need to build a better life and a better career. 5. Move Forward. Get Coached>Master the Art of Failing Forward and Make a Powerful Cultural Change in Your Organization, Your Business, Your Professional Practice and YOUR LifeThe power, the freedom and the breakthrough results realized by learning to use failures as catalysts for personal growth, achievement, empowerment and success by learning to build constructive discontent cannot be minimized. The velocity of change, challenges and opportunities we face will continue to surpass anything we have experienced. Best practices can become stale or useless in the face of change, what worked in the past can become largely irrelevant; however, the ability to see problems, challenges differently is the new linchpin for leadership, success and well-being in the age of innovation and change.  […]

  8. […] Model failing forward.  Learn from successes and failures. Be honest with your team.  Do not try to buffer them from […]

  9. 100 Stress-busters » 3Q Leadership Blog says:

    […] Development and Growth True Happiness Motivations for the Self Starter by William A. Butler Failing Forward:  Developing a Critical Life and Leadership Skill Building Constructive Discontent: A  Critical Life and Leadership Skill Remove the Wall to Your […]

  10. Words Make Worlds: Opening The Door To A Better Present And Future » 3Q Leadership Blog says:

    […] • Learning to Fail Forward it is the linchpin for 21st Century Life and Leadership. Whether your objective is building a successful small business, professional practice, team or enterprise that art of failing forward is more than the art of the start, it is the art that will drive sustainability, the art that will teach empowerment, engagement and resiliency. […]

  11. Using Failure To Succeed: 7 Practical, Powerful Tips » 3Q Leadership Blog says:

    […] Let Go Of Denial.  DO not deny, do not react, respond to a failure by refusing to chase your loses, refusing to beat yourself up or berate your ability.  Champion the failure by using it as a learning tool, a growth tool that can help you see your strengths and areas of challenge with new eyes. […]

  12. […] 3. Learn To Love Your Mistakes And Use Them To Fail Forward.  Find ways to see your glass as always at least half full.  Recognize that the greatest lessons we can learn or those we find in our mistakes.  It is all good.  Sometimes it can even be great, because our greatest insights and ideas are often born of our greatest challenges or mistakes. Each time you fail forward, you strengthen your resiliency, enhance optimism, build a stronger solution focus and optimize your ability to find innovative solutions! 4.  Know What Really Makes You Happy.  Determine what really makes you feel happy and share this with someone you love. Let go of the “GOO” (“good opinion of others”) and focus on your inner voice, inner wisdom and joy. […]

  13. […] Hone your ability to fail forward. Embrace this critical skill and model it for others because our greatest solutions are often the result of our greatest challenges. […]

  14. Leadership Compendium: Leading Forward In the Face of Complexity, Change or Crisis » Just Coach It-The 3Q Edge says:

    […] Business & Results | 3Q Edge and R-E-A-C-H Leadership Means Building A Community of Purpose Failing Forward-A Critical Leadership and Management Competency Rising to the Challenges Before Us The Pause-A 3 minute way to put your brain in that critical […]

  15. […] Hone your ability to fail forward.  Embrace this critical skill and model it for others because our greatest solutions are often the result of our greatest challenges. […]

  16. From No to GO! Optimizing Potential, Results & Well-being At The Speed Of Change » Just Coach It-The 3Q Edge says:

    […] 8.  Fail forward by using perceived failures as positive linchpins that can help you optimize your ability to learn-relearn, adapt and excel. Try it!  Here are some practical insights and tips […]

  17. […] It cannot be found in what you acquire; it is a by product of what you believe not simply what you a…  It is your ability to walk, talk and act in alignment with your highest power; the greatest good that is your ultimate goal and greatest triumph.  Purpose = profit on a multiplicity of levels from our own personal wellbeing to the survival of organizations and our society as a whole.  Need, greed and ego have destroyed every life, fiefdom and empire in recorded time.  History teaches us, life also teaches us that the only security we have is in taking the road less travelled, the road that will help us optimize our ability to realize our true purpose to live, learn and contribute. […]

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